I'm convinced that you're witnessing something that cannot be stopped...An inevitable downfall of a once great one world system hidden from the eyes of the people now being unveiled. I hope my channel can continue to be a source of hope during what some say is a crossroads in human history. Keep your spiritual armor in pristine condition because we're all going to need it for the coming days. Most of us knew the precipice would come but it takes vision to see beyond that low to what comes after. A world without the chains it has been subjected to for thousands of years. That vision is a precious gift from God. Don't lose sight of hope when the fog of war becomes the most dense. Don't just have vision for the fall of Babylon. Have your sights set on the goodness that comes after.
(ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter)
I still remember in the early days of being a 9/11 skeptic, and Herkimer56 came out of nowhere, and called me a jew hater. At the time, i didn’t know enough anout 9/11 for this allegation to make any sense to me. But as time went on, it became clear to me that Herkimer56 was way ahead of the curve, and he accidentally tipped me off on where to look.