But if a collective just says hold on help is on the way
This explains your thinking. It is common for most people who find their way to Q, esp via telegram channels etc - to believe that its a collective that says "Hold, help is on the way". This are the same people who keep telling everyone "Military is on the standby, and anytime now there will be a emergency broadcast and everyone will be arrested".
Sadly, it is a complete mischaracterisation of what Q is. To understand what Q is it is important to realize that Whitehats have, throughout history, been helping us along the way at every key moment. But no matter how many times you help and save humanity, humans end up finding themselves in a deeper hole the very next time.
Why? Because majority of humans simply do not understand what we are up against, how evil is Evil really is, and what exactly have they been planning for us all this time.
The only way to put an end to all this is to create a controlled environment where the evil people can feel like they are winning, play al their cards, and take the humanity to the abyss - as they have always been wanting to - and right at the precipice let the people wake up and learn the deepest truths about Evil.
That is what Q is about, and that is why its a foregone conclusion that this battle is over and nothing can stop what is coming. Because the Q team already achieved this - they have created the controlled environment where the evil people can take us all to the precipice. The precipice will be a near death experience - because they truly intend to destroy us all - and only at that point will the majority of people find the will to change.
So how do you know whether the Q plan is working and whether we are winning?
Are the evil people getting more and more bold in what they are doing?
Are more and more people waking up to this and understanding whats happening?
So, you should stop worrying about what a "personality" like Flynn says and rather focus on these two questions, and do your part in waking more and more people around you. The time is ripe for many folks, they just dont know the right questions to ask or the right people to ask those questions, and thats where you come in. The rest is noise.
This explains your thinking. It is common for most people who find their way to Q, esp via telegram channels etc - to believe that its a collective that says "Hold, help is on the way". This are the same people who keep telling everyone "Military is on the standby, and anytime now there will be a emergency broadcast and everyone will be arrested".
Sadly, it is a complete mischaracterisation of what Q is. To understand what Q is it is important to realize that Whitehats have, throughout history, been helping us along the way at every key moment. But no matter how many times you help and save humanity, humans end up finding themselves in a deeper hole the very next time.
Why? Because majority of humans simply do not understand what we are up against, how evil is Evil really is, and what exactly have they been planning for us all this time.
The only way to put an end to all this is to create a controlled environment where the evil people can feel like they are winning, play al their cards, and take the humanity to the abyss - as they have always been wanting to - and right at the precipice let the people wake up and learn the deepest truths about Evil.
That is what Q is about, and that is why its a foregone conclusion that this battle is over and nothing can stop what is coming. Because the Q team already achieved this - they have created the controlled environment where the evil people can take us all to the precipice. The precipice will be a near death experience - because they truly intend to destroy us all - and only at that point will the majority of people find the will to change.
So how do you know whether the Q plan is working and whether we are winning?
Are the evil people getting more and more bold in what they are doing?
Are more and more people waking up to this and understanding whats happening?
So, you should stop worrying about what a "personality" like Flynn says and rather focus on these two questions, and do your part in waking more and more people around you. The time is ripe for many folks, they just dont know the right questions to ask or the right people to ask those questions, and thats where you come in. The rest is noise.