I am on Panacur currently, 3 days on with 4 days off for breaks. This was recommended to me when I posted way back about 6 weeks or so, about this cancer.
Is it working? Do you get sick when you take it? I want to start taking it but nobody I know has tried it. God bless you and cure you from all these diseases.
Surgery removed a large grade 3 sarcoma on the left top rear of the back, above the hip. Was misdiagnosed as a non-life threatening lipoma by my vet for years. Went 3 times this year to get his opinion as it was growing too.
My dog has cancer. In her leg. How did you heal her?
Cures Exist- Q
See Virex Health for Petdazole, the animal version of fenbendazole, found to help cancer in pets.
I am on Panacur currently, 3 days on with 4 days off for breaks. This was recommended to me when I posted way back about 6 weeks or so, about this cancer.
Is it working? Do you get sick when you take it? I want to start taking it but nobody I know has tried it. God bless you and cure you from all these diseases.
I don't take Panacur myself but I have noticed no ill issues with Jasper since he has been taking it.
I have been on fenben over a year now
I hope your best friend does well.
Surgery removed a large grade 3 sarcoma on the left top rear of the back, above the hip. Was misdiagnosed as a non-life threatening lipoma by my vet for years. Went 3 times this year to get his opinion as it was growing too.