Was pretty spot on until they got to Eckhart...Few have any idea what he points to and it most certainly isn't anything satanic.
They literally told you how they take good information and twist it up into something negative...then start in on Eckhart with zero evidence - only opinion and conjecture, they drop the newage dog whistle, say everything came from the bible then suddenly change the subject.
Morons will believe anything when they're ignorant and have no wisdom of their own to discern fact from fiction. Don't get me wrong, I place no head above my own, but these little shit sprinklings of lies and bs are seen by those who actually know...
All roads lead back to God. Through this darkness we see the light. The darker, the faster we see it. NCSWIC. Nothing. Are you ready?
Ironic that John Paul DeJoria is one of the Executive Producers of "Sound Of Freedom" lol I have tried to expose the "joke is on us" movie that fails to "out" anyone like the Clinton Foundation or Bono's group. It was a movie to lead the sheep into thinking this is as deep as it gets. So MISLEADING.
John Paul DeJoria
Paul Mitchell hair products and Patron Tequila
homeless to billionaire how convenient
BFF is Dan Aykroyd? Yeah who HATES President Trump
Patron has a rail car Patron Express can attach and go as a private car on any AMtrak line. Hmm, again how convenient.
How did this guy get picked? Wife is Ali Landry. Mysterious death of his Dad and Brother after a "random" cartel kidnapping? Can you say Sacrifice. Worth 92 million off Directing 5 /failed to barely making it movies? Suspect.
And then lets discuss Actor turn candidate for Presidente of Mexico Jose Eduardo Verastegui who currently resides in a condo in the same building as Enrique Pena Nieto his BFF (lover). (Keep in mind Enrique Pena also bribe with millions by El Chapo) Also possible boyfriend of Ricky Martin back in the day. Now a devout Catholic/conservative/yada yada. Flew on the Presidential plan to meet Pope Frances (child raping/killing Jesuit) with Pena Nieto. Its all too convenient.
For a movie about human trafficking and suffering, it sure is associated with a lot of scum. Haven't had time to DIVE into more Producers or associates, but it is enough to make me Question the narrative about SOF and the circle of association.
but I'm sure this will be deleted and I will get the typical nasty comments. lol. That's okay. It is now out in the Ether so to speak, and TRUTH does not require Defense. It resonates. It is.
Man, I wish he were still alive. And if he is, I wish he could give us some more!
Was pretty spot on until they got to Eckhart...Few have any idea what he points to and it most certainly isn't anything satanic.
They literally told you how they take good information and twist it up into something negative...then start in on Eckhart with zero evidence - only opinion and conjecture, they drop the newage dog whistle, say everything came from the bible then suddenly change the subject.
Morons will believe anything when they're ignorant and have no wisdom of their own to discern fact from fiction. Don't get me wrong, I place no head above my own, but these little shit sprinklings of lies and bs are seen by those who actually know...
All roads lead back to God. Through this darkness we see the light. The darker, the faster we see it. NCSWIC. Nothing. Are you ready?
Ironic that John Paul DeJoria is one of the Executive Producers of "Sound Of Freedom" lol I have tried to expose the "joke is on us" movie that fails to "out" anyone like the Clinton Foundation or Bono's group. It was a movie to lead the sheep into thinking this is as deep as it gets. So MISLEADING.
John Paul DeJoria Paul Mitchell hair products and Patron Tequila homeless to billionaire how convenient BFF is Dan Aykroyd? Yeah who HATES President Trump Patron has a rail car Patron Express can attach and go as a private car on any AMtrak line. Hmm, again how convenient.
Follow the wives:
Wife Eloise Broady Playmate of the Month April 1988 Nude model. lolol
https://www.boobpedia.com/boobs/Eloise_Broady Runs the DeJoria Foundations. Hefner Honeypot.
He signed the Giving Pledge with Warren Buffet and Bill Gates
Executive Producer as well of SOF: Carlos Alvarez Bermejillo .... Owner of Grupo PISA Pharmaceutical, ripping the people of Mexico off. Criminal
https://www.sinembargo.mx/12-02-2020/3729249 https://poderlatam.org/2022/06/salud-mental-en-manos-de-los-autores-del-ultimo-fraude-por-venta-de-insulina/
Then the Director Alejandro Monteverde
How did this guy get picked? Wife is Ali Landry. Mysterious death of his Dad and Brother after a "random" cartel kidnapping? Can you say Sacrifice. Worth 92 million off Directing 5 /failed to barely making it movies? Suspect.
https://popularbio.com/alejandro-gomez-monteverde/ https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1920049/?ref_=ttfc_fc_dr1
And then lets discuss Actor turn candidate for Presidente of Mexico Jose Eduardo Verastegui who currently resides in a condo in the same building as Enrique Pena Nieto his BFF (lover). (Keep in mind Enrique Pena also bribe with millions by El Chapo) Also possible boyfriend of Ricky Martin back in the day. Now a devout Catholic/conservative/yada yada. Flew on the Presidential plan to meet Pope Frances (child raping/killing Jesuit) with Pena Nieto. Its all too convenient.
https://tiempo.com.mx/noticia/55237-eduardo_verastegui_viajo_a_jua/1 https://eldiariony.com/2022/03/28/chisme-no-like-asegura-que-eduardo-verastegui-era-vecino-de-enrique-pena-nieto-y-angelica-rivera/ https://www.queerty.com/turns-out-ricky-martins-anti-gay-alleged-ex-boyfriend-was-reportedly-linked-to-the-former-mexican-president-20230915
For a movie about human trafficking and suffering, it sure is associated with a lot of scum. Haven't had time to DIVE into more Producers or associates, but it is enough to make me Question the narrative about SOF and the circle of association.
but I'm sure this will be deleted and I will get the typical nasty comments. lol. That's okay. It is now out in the Ether so to speak, and TRUTH does not require Defense. It resonates. It is.
I thought a dead man's switch was supposed to be activated when/if he died...never heard any more revealing info about that...
Just because you never heard any more about it, doesn't mean the information didn't get to the right place/person.
That's fair but if it wasn't for public consumption why didn't he just give it to the right person while he was still alive?
Because it was the fact that the information was hidden and unreleased that kept him alive. It was "life insurance."