I hope not. My kid couldn't hold an M16 at port arms for a minute because he's so un-muscled. Heck, put all that combat gear on his frame and he'd fall over because he doesn't have the weight or muscle mass to stay upright, much less march with all that gear on. Maybe he will get a medical exemption.
Sounds like your child is the one who benefit most. If my child couldn't put combat fatigues on and stand upright, I would say, take him and whip him in to shape, please.
My kid isn't one of those faggy soy boys, heck he can tell me all the different types of firearms and ammo that I can throw at him. It's just plain old genetics that keeps the weight off. I've never seen someone who could eat a bag of candy, a good meal and all the chocolate milk anyone can consume and not gain an ounce. Yea, I wish he'd join the military so he could fill out, yet he wouldn't be able to keep up. I was the same way until I hit forty, then God unleashed the fat gene and I got a kegger overnight. Granddads on both sides had the same problem. My kid just got it naturally and I'm afraid if they drafted him he'd get an exemption.
Hit the gym 5x/week. Change to a high-protein diet and cut out the candy and useless carbs.
I was 5’10” and 118 pounds. I followed a strict protocol and changed my body. If I can do it, so could he. And stop buying him candy, for goodness sakes.
Second on the protein. I used the Serious Mass gainer after getting frustrated about my low weight and it worked great together with hitting the gym, plus it's tasty.
I hope not. My kid couldn't hold an M16 at port arms for a minute because he's so un-muscled. Heck, put all that combat gear on his frame and he'd fall over because he doesn't have the weight or muscle mass to stay upright, much less march with all that gear on. Maybe he will get a medical exemption.
Sounds like your child is the one who benefit most. If my child couldn't put combat fatigues on and stand upright, I would say, take him and whip him in to shape, please.
My kid isn't one of those faggy soy boys, heck he can tell me all the different types of firearms and ammo that I can throw at him. It's just plain old genetics that keeps the weight off. I've never seen someone who could eat a bag of candy, a good meal and all the chocolate milk anyone can consume and not gain an ounce. Yea, I wish he'd join the military so he could fill out, yet he wouldn't be able to keep up. I was the same way until I hit forty, then God unleashed the fat gene and I got a kegger overnight. Granddads on both sides had the same problem. My kid just got it naturally and I'm afraid if they drafted him he'd get an exemption.
Hit the gym 5x/week. Change to a high-protein diet and cut out the candy and useless carbs.
I was 5’10” and 118 pounds. I followed a strict protocol and changed my body. If I can do it, so could he. And stop buying him candy, for goodness sakes.
Second on the protein. I used the Serious Mass gainer after getting frustrated about my low weight and it worked great together with hitting the gym, plus it's tasty.