Everything is conscious energy [God]. We are individual points of conscious energy [Souls]. Consciousness is awareness. Awareness is intelligence. When our energy resonates with this intelligence we are guided by it. Like Nikola Tesla said, "My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration."
We resonate with this energy through our emotions. There is no good or bad there is only energy. God will help us accomplish whatever we want. "ask and you shall receive". There is however positive and negative energy. Unconditional love is positive and leads to bliss [Heaven]. Shame is negative energy and leads to suffering [Hell]. Jesus was an example of unconditional love. Unconditional love is the only way to ascend the 3D realm and end the reincarnation cycle.
Our Souls incarnate here to suffer. When we suffer we experience negative energy. We learn through experience. Without contrast, we would not understand. Without Hell, there would be no Heaven. If we are in a pure white room with a pure white chair that chair would be invisible, we need contrast to see it. So when I say there is no good or bad it is true. Souls who choose to suffer are choosing to learn. When we label them "Bad" we are choosing the "Eat from the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil" and we will surely die and start the reincarnation cycle again. When we choose to play the game of duality we are choosing to suffer. When we pick a side in a war we are labeling the other side as Evil and as soon as we do that we will become defensive and let negative emotions guide us. We will justify our negative actions because we think we are helping them, or saving someone. Each side of every war thought they were good and the other side was evil. They were playing the game. Just like the people who are going to downvote this post or call me names in the comment section. That negative emotion that gets triggered in them will guide them to lash out. Jesus suffered the ultimate sacrifice to give us an example of unconditional love by choosing to die on the cross and resist the urge to judge. He understood that the soldiers didn't understand what they were doing. Some can not even resist the urge to downvote.
When we do what the "new age" people call "shadow work" we release the inner trauma that has been conditioned in us from childhood and all those negative emotions [demons] get released. Once these negative false beliefs get released our Pineal Gland gets activated and we ascend [5D] to a higher dimension of consciousness. BUT WE HAVE TO DO THE WORK.
All action starts with belief. If we do not believe something we are not going to practice it. So when the bible says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." that means if we don't believe we will not take action.
We take action by surrendering to unconditional love [Jesus] and letting that emotion fill our hearts. Do you know that feeling we get when we give somebody we love a hug and we just melt into them? That is the emotion we are trying to resonate with. I would literally hug a pillow and pretend it was someone I loved. Do whatever it takes to resonate with that emotion. If something in the outside world triggers us that is a sign that we are holding on to a false belief and need to release it. Force ourselves to see things from a positive perspective. Over time this will become a habit and we will begin to see the positive in everything.
Good luck. God bless, I love us all.
Hi, I am making a flowchart which can be a tool for theists (me) and atheists, essentially work together throigh all the arguments and counter arguments we each have for or against belief in God. We all know debates between us always ends at an impasse, and debate on this topic is not something anyone can reallly win. but it would be a good tool to reduce the amount of time each need to regurgitate the same talking points. If you want I can add you to it. Just remember to be respectful :) lmk if you are interested
I am not interested in arguing with atheists. But if I can help you with an argument you are having or offer a different perspective that could help you I am ok with that.
There is a "God" it is not really an argument. :)