posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +34 / -0


As I have often pointed out, we HAD a limited, Constitutional government in the United States and it has brought us to where we are now, under the Biden Administration.

Do you remember the definition of insanity attributed (falsely) to Einstein? Sure you do: "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Civil society works; a restrained coercive government CAN work for awhile, to some extent, but always devolves into tyranny.

For that matter, even SMALL government IS a tyranny -- but I'm trying to keep this brief so I'll leave that alone.

Both civil society AND small, sort-of-workable government REQUIRE a population that is itself civil, meaning emotionally healthy.

Freedom + emotional health (remember Jesus' teachings about not offending children?) pretty much nails the basics; everything else follows -- IF there is no central Power that assumes the right to initiate coercion, including -- especially -- in regards to funding. Forcible taxation is the foot in the door that leads to ever-more tyranny.

An excerpt from Barnett's column:

What this boils down to concerning the State is this:

Most everything is a lie.

Most everything is propaganda.

Most everything detrimental is planned in advance, and intentionally executed.

Many if not most evil acts are false flags.

Most everything is criminal.

Most every action and adverse event is purposely staged and a scam.

The State is most assuredly nothing more than organized crime bent on total power, monopoly, and control.

Because of governments, we have perpetual war, and the so-called ‘exceptional’ U.S., has warred aggressively for approximately 93% of its existence, likely more, and has been responsible for the deaths of tens if not hundreds of millions of innocent people. Today alone, governments, mostly western governments, along with Zionist Israel, are plotting to commit genocide and world war in order to advance the globalist agenda of one world governance. We have had the fake ‘covid’ scam that has led to unbelievable deadly consequences, including the lockdown of humanity, poisonous, and in many cases, fatal bioweapon injections, economic destruction, insane inflation, and complete loss of freedom. There are intentionally structured wars in Syria, Ukraine, most of the Middle East, and around the world, all due to the existence of governments and rule. Famine, poverty, rioting, property confiscation and destruction, forced mass immigration meant only to divide and harm, and the perversion and murder of children worldwide is rampant.

Sound good?

Should we order up more of that, or should we try cutting government back not just until it is "restrained" (as those in power will define it) but until it is replaced with competitive, market-based, civil, non-coercive groups, structures, and the natural individual governance that sane, civil adults practice every day?

Yes, we'll have to do some of it in stages. Yes, there will be problems along the way.

But every single argument against freeing humanity from the tyranny of the State was made against freeing the Slaves from their Masters in the South.

Those arguments are bullshit, plain and simple. There IS no honest "good argument" against freedom.

The Cabal ONLY exists, and only CAN exist, because it USES the power of the State to force its evil upon the world. For God's sake, let us put an end to that.
