Mind after all is all there is (consciousness). It's either working for you or against you. The cabal Luciferians know this. They highjack your imagination for their purposes. Tell-a-vision is a perfect example. Or the school system which plants seeds into the fertile mind of children about all kinds of lies. The mind accepts the lie as truth and acts according. Just ask Madison Ave ad executives.
I was the child of a single mom, raised with an abusive brother, "educated" by the public school system and entertained by television and Hollywood. And I was born in a vast metropolitan area.
It was very hard to wake up to the truth that everything we have ever been told was a lie. I don't know how a normie would be able to even acknowledge that. We live in a very interesting time.
Thought I’d based upon conditioning processing sensory perceptions which are based upon either fragments of reality presented by MSM or our senses which are indisputably limited. It is inadequate to meet a reality that is beyond our ability to perceive and to understand. Conclusions of thought (judgments) must be treated as loose clothing, e.g., probably wrong.
Perceivable enables each ones perception within...choosing to stand under (understand) the suggestions by others tempts one to ignore that.
Being (life) implies in-between commencement (inception) and conclusion (death)...others tempt one to seek suggested conclusions, while ignoring ongoing origin.
Perhaps I am seriously overinterpreting this meme, but please tell me - who is this exactly directed towards? To most of the people who peruse this board, this message is obvious and is preaching to the choir, but I'm also asking if this is meant for some of us who post regularly but are somehow missing a bigger picture.
There was a post recently of someone digging for diamonds and is exhausted by the search and told to look elsewhere by someone else, but it becomes apparent that if they stayed with it just a little longer, they would have hit the jackpot. Are we trying to help people manifest our own reality, but if they don't push hard enough, or if there's even a tiny flaw, it all blows up?
In dealing with multiple resistant family members, it seems that not only their perception of reality is different, but their ACTUAL reality is different. I'm reading Flynn's 5GW and trying to understand all the nuances about it. So are we all dealing with fractured pieces of reality that somehow we're trying to keep glued together in some cohesive fashion and unify? Do I need to watch Inception again?
Not trying to be difficult or argumentative, but this somehow has the feel of looking at a painting or a microscope slide and someone asking, "Do you see it? Do you see it?," but still miss something obvious. Help me understand.
are we all dealing with fractured pieces of reality that somehow we're trying to keep glued together
a) being implies partial (perception) within whole (perceivable) aka differentiation (life) within sameness (inception towards death).
b) ones struggle to sustain self apart from one another implies ones needed resistance to wanted temptations...one needs to let go of perceivable (inspiration); while resisting to want to hold onto suggested (information).
c) ones consent to anything suggested by another implies "gluing" self to another aka Latin religio (to bind anew) aka mercantilism aka buy (consent) and sell (suggestion) aka making a deal.
d) nature sets itself apart (from whole into each partial); while those within tempt each other back together with suggested collectivism aka e pluribus unum (ouf of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka abrahamism (father of multitude) aka equality (same) through diversity (different) aka united states; united nations; european union; university; uniformity; unicode; universal basic income aka mass migration; miscegenation; melting pot; multiculturalism etc.
e) others suggest pluralism (we) to tempt perceiving singular (partial one) to ignore perceivable (whole oneness).
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see..."there can be only one" aka "one for all and all for one" aka "alone"...ALL(in)ONE.
need to watch
One needs to see (perceivable inspiration)...not watch what others show (suggested information).
Oh man, what people don't realize is that there are 6 levels of the deep state. Each level is entrusted with secrets. Level 1 has the least sensitive secrets and level 6 has the world shattering secrets. Obviously, the a Clinton's and Soros are some of the few at level 6. There are 66 people at level six. 6+66 = 666. These people are evil and sick.
Mind after all is all there is (consciousness). It's either working for you or against you. The cabal Luciferians know this. They highjack your imagination for their purposes. Tell-a-vision is a perfect example. Or the school system which plants seeds into the fertile mind of children about all kinds of lies. The mind accepts the lie as truth and acts according. Just ask Madison Ave ad executives.
I was the child of a single mom, raised with an abusive brother, "educated" by the public school system and entertained by television and Hollywood. And I was born in a vast metropolitan area.
It was very hard to wake up to the truth that everything we have ever been told was a lie. I don't know how a normie would be able to even acknowledge that. We live in a very interesting time.
I assume that's why Q said there will be a scare event. That will be what it takes.
Thought I’d based upon conditioning processing sensory perceptions which are based upon either fragments of reality presented by MSM or our senses which are indisputably limited. It is inadequate to meet a reality that is beyond our ability to perceive and to understand. Conclusions of thought (judgments) must be treated as loose clothing, e.g., probably wrong.
Perceivable enables each ones perception within...choosing to stand under (understand) the suggestions by others tempts one to ignore that.
Being (life) implies in-between commencement (inception) and conclusion (death)...others tempt one to seek suggested conclusions, while ignoring ongoing origin.
When does a bird sing?
Perhaps I am seriously overinterpreting this meme, but please tell me - who is this exactly directed towards? To most of the people who peruse this board, this message is obvious and is preaching to the choir, but I'm also asking if this is meant for some of us who post regularly but are somehow missing a bigger picture.
There was a post recently of someone digging for diamonds and is exhausted by the search and told to look elsewhere by someone else, but it becomes apparent that if they stayed with it just a little longer, they would have hit the jackpot. Are we trying to help people manifest our own reality, but if they don't push hard enough, or if there's even a tiny flaw, it all blows up?
In dealing with multiple resistant family members, it seems that not only their perception of reality is different, but their ACTUAL reality is different. I'm reading Flynn's 5GW and trying to understand all the nuances about it. So are we all dealing with fractured pieces of reality that somehow we're trying to keep glued together in some cohesive fashion and unify? Do I need to watch Inception again?
Not trying to be difficult or argumentative, but this somehow has the feel of looking at a painting or a microscope slide and someone asking, "Do you see it? Do you see it?," but still miss something obvious. Help me understand.
a) being implies partial (perception) within whole (perceivable) aka differentiation (life) within sameness (inception towards death).
b) ones struggle to sustain self apart from one another implies ones needed resistance to wanted temptations...one needs to let go of perceivable (inspiration); while resisting to want to hold onto suggested (information).
c) ones consent to anything suggested by another implies "gluing" self to another aka Latin religio (to bind anew) aka mercantilism aka buy (consent) and sell (suggestion) aka making a deal.
d) nature sets itself apart (from whole into each partial); while those within tempt each other back together with suggested collectivism aka e pluribus unum (ouf of many; one) aka tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together) aka abrahamism (father of multitude) aka equality (same) through diversity (different) aka united states; united nations; european union; university; uniformity; unicode; universal basic income aka mass migration; miscegenation; melting pot; multiculturalism etc.
e) others suggest pluralism (we) to tempt perceiving singular (partial one) to ignore perceivable (whole oneness).
Sleight of hand for those with eyes to see..."there can be only one" aka "one for all and all for one" aka "alone"...ALL(in)ONE.
One needs to see (perceivable inspiration)...not watch what others show (suggested information).
Oh man, what people don't realize is that there are 6 levels of the deep state. Each level is entrusted with secrets. Level 1 has the least sensitive secrets and level 6 has the world shattering secrets. Obviously, the a Clinton's and Soros are some of the few at level 6. There are 66 people at level six. 6+66 = 666. These people are evil and sick.
The battle field is the mind. Weapon of our warfare is the Truth.
Stuck in my mind lyric coming from somewhere