Making sure that you do before November 3 may prove to be a very 'lucky' break....
This is likely to have a knock-on effect leading to a crash, which may be the 10 days of darkness and the closed banks that have been hinted at(what do people do when their cards stop working? I suspect the stealing of food will start after 2-3 days.....), and 11.3.................. when too many things line up.....
After the shit is over and money/economy goes back to a resource based one it would but from regular people having money that would be worth a lot more than they used to relative to the new reality based values on things.
(more regular people buying power stimulates economy, less buying power for regular people however, with that we already know what will happen...)
Good chance that this is a part of the plan as regular people finding only 10-20% of the money in their accounts relative to before the close down would see cities burn, now readjusting the accounts of banks, business and finance to reflect the new resource worth of assets, now that is very likely.....
Someone has hinted at things going back to 50's60's level cost........which would be doable if they tweaked corporate accounts to reflect the new economic reality(likely what the banks shutting down would be for), doing that to regular people however would cause civil wars, parliament's being burned down, politicians and bankers lynched in streets and society doing shit that would take decades to recover from, if at all....