Sup Anons,
This post will certainly NOT be for everyone, and certainly not for the faint of heart or close minded egos. If you have nothing positive to say or dumb comments like "fake and gay" with no evidence, then just move on. This post is not meant to create division, just knowledge. But it is also important that we understand this as a collective and understand how powerful we are as a humans. Anyways here is the drop in question and also happens to be the last drop from Q.
u/10lbsBass had a great comment in an early post I saw this morning.
They have not been conned. They are stuck at the brink of awakening. Their mind is still trapped. Q is a multi-dimensional awakening program meant to cause a spiritual awakening. The ones that have not reached this point are stuck in the third dimension.
Like when you are watching a movie and you get engrossed in the storyline. You are on an emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes you need to take a breath and remember that you are WATCHING A MOVIE.
Step back and understand that this is a spiritual battle. We are all puppets guided by our emotions. It is EXTREMELY important to keep our emotions in check. When we do that, it starts the process of awakening. This is a literal physical process [Ascension]. Where we start to experience multi-dimensionality. This sudden jump in consciousness removes all doubt and negative emotions and allows us to see the bigger picture more clearly. Our awareness and cognitive abilities greatly increase.
Most of us understand by now that shit like vaccines and mrna etc can affect your DNA. But this post was not only meant to be geared towards bio weapons.
After countless hours of research on the subject, I was pretty taken back by quantum physics and understanding the laws of the universe, specially when looking deeper into Tesla technology. We have all heard the saying below:
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
But wtf does that really mean? Well luckily a few years back I remembered Jacob Chansley's videos he had made prior to J6. Jacob is part of a Navy Super Soldier program, basically is a private contractor so he was not bound to secrecy and could disclose alot. At the time all his videos had been yanked off the web. But when he came back to Twitter he was allowed to repost the videos on his Rumble channel. Now some are long, up to 4 hours each at times. But if it is something that truly interests you, spending 20 hours or so watching these videos will save you 20,000 hours of research and are very easy to understand. I would recommend watching at 1.5X speed.
Now I understand the dude is a controversial figure, but he is the most intelligent and knowledgeable person I ever came across and has the ability to explain things better than I personally ever could.
Again, this will be difficult for some to make peace with, but it is crucial to understanding how we are being repressed and kept in a 3D state of FEAR (think mass shootings, economy, bills, MSM, WW3, border, covid etc etc) This literally affects our DNA. Once we, as a collective, replace this low frequency state of FEAR with a high frequency state of LOVE (which is the highest frequency humans can have) then evil will not be able to survive as we will ASCEND.
Now what does this all mean? It sounds fucking nuts, I get that. But it is physics. To understand this you need to understand the quantum realm, quantum entanglement, magnetic fields, energy, frequency, vibrations etc etc. It is alot and that is why I am grateful for these videos that can be delivered to the masses. Start here with "God is real and reincarnation is physics"
I would then direct you to understanding more of the dimensions and how we can all get to a 5D state vs the 3D prison state we are currently in.
Once you fully grasp this, then you can move to basically joining the spiritual war that we are in. This is the "real war" and believe it or not YOU can make a difference and help kick out evil forever. Here are a few videos that explain this, as well as Black Magik, which is basically mind control.
If you have made it this far, you probably feel a bit uncomfortable right now. I get it, it's fucking nuts, literally. But what is most important to understand is just how far these less than 1% have gotten us to be slaves because they understand the laws of the universe, numerology, and the quantum realm. Everything has been corrupted. We have been lied to about everything. This war is fought in the quantum realm. You can get there through hard meditation or prayer, and can also experience different dimensions using psychedelics. I am not talking heroin, cocaine, LSD etc or anything made in a lab. I am talking about plants that grow in nature for a reason. These plants/psychedilics were used as currency in ancient history. Plant medicine alone can change the world, if you do not understand how big pharma works by now, well I do not know what to tell you.
If you have a hard believing in things like psychic soldiers and things like remote viewing, well let me break to ya: it has been used against you every single day you have been alive on earth.
This video explains it really well how the enemy has used a huge unfair advantage to keep us in this low frequency state:
The point here is we have the ability to be much more than just our physical 3D bodies. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US. This is how mankind is repressed. This is how mankind will be repressed no more. This brings me to Trump. What has Trump done that is not so talked about? There is Space Force sure, but there is more.
Trump Administration Announces Quantum.Gov and Quantum Frontiers Report
This includes harnessing quantum information technology for precision measurements, targeting materials science, and understanding the universe through QIS.
Understanding the universe, right in our face and never talked about. You think was only about supercomputers??
How about electro-magnetic warfare? If you made it this far you should now have a good understanding of electro magnetics
Here is some of Space Force's technologies:
This leads me again back to Trump. Do you remember when he talked about "freedom cities" with flying cars?
I mean WTF right? Well here is an explanation and/or example of how this could be possible through Tesla technology.
This all brings me back to 2 drops.
Now ask yourself this: wtf could put 99% of the people in a hospital? Are YOU in the less than 1% ? Most likely not and indoctrinated through neuro linguistic programming, schooling, work, food chemicals and fluoride and religion like all of us. It is foolish to think that we have been lied and deceived about everything except the Church. The Bible has great teachings, do not get me wrong here. But how much was edited, taken out, left out? If you THINK you know the answer to this, you simply haven't been able to research it as it could break one's paradigm. But once you understand all of this, you see that facts will mesh very well with your BELIEFS.
Belief definition:
A belief is a subjective attitude that a proposition is true or a state of affairs is the case. A subjective attitude is a mental state of having some stance, take, or opinion about something. In epistemology, philosophers use the term "belief" to refer to attitudes about the world which can be either true or false.
To conclude touching on drop 2222, I recommend watching this video. "Aliens" are not at all close to what we have been told. Save your "fake and gay" unless you understand how it COULD be possible. This course/lesson is about understanding quantum physics for about 2 hours that leads to the introduction of aliens in the last 30 mins. If you understand the first 2 hours, you will understand how and what an alien actually is. Hint: not what you see in Hollywood.
Lastly I want to say I love you all and care about all of you. We are winning this inter-dimensional war and will win and kick off all evil off our fucking planet forever. Love your spouses, kids, families. Help your neighbors. Buy someone a coffee if you have extra change. Hug a stranger. Compliment a stranger. Live a life of bliss, be happy and grateful despite all the negativity surrounding us and hard battles we all face. Doing these things sound dull and gay maybe, but you will change the quantum entanglement that will change the world. Trust God above all and love God. NO FEAR.
How exactly are the bloodlines of Israel weaponized against Christianity? It should be fairly self evident that 1) Israelites still exist, 2) they can prove it reasonably accurately, and 3) said Israelites are still entitled to the land that God promised to them. None of those things impact Christianity in the slightest.
Paul also encouraged wives to submit to their husbands, something that a lot of people today don't like either because we insert a modern, secular definition of "submit" instead of letting the Bible define its own terms.
Did Paul mean that wives should let their husbands abuse them? Of course not, no reasonable person believes this. So then it should also stand to reason that "submit to government" doesn't mean "let government walk all over you".
Romans 13:3 is the key:
Right there he defines what rulers are: a terror to good works and not to evil. So then, by definition, a government that punishes good and/or rewards evil is not a legitimate government.
But let's say that Paul actually did mean submit to all governments regardless of how terrible they are. Even then he is not in disagreement with the other apostles and Christ. Christ and His disciples not only paid taxes to Caesar, but they also gladly suffered persecution and gruesome execution at the hands of Romans and Pharisees alike. Paul is not inserting some new doctrine by saying "submit to higher powers", he is reiterating the example that Christ set. If you are upset at Paul for this, then you must also be upset with Christ at least as much if not more.
In what way? Paul and the other apostles soundly rebuked the Judaizers throughout Acts and their respective epistles. At no point have the Jews convinced any Christian denomination of note to reject Christ's status as the Messiah (though the Mormons and JWs come close by saying Christ is a created being). Even the Catholics, who largely contradict the Bible, still hold little resemblance to Jewish doctrine. The RCC actually persecuted the Jews for hundreds of years. If the Jews had as much influence as you claim, then I don't see a whole lot of evidence for it. Every single Christian denomination asserts that the Jews at best have an incomplete religion due to their rejection of Christ.
Did the Jews corrupt the Bible? That's also going to be a hard sell. For starters, God promised to preserve His Word forever (Psalm 12:7). Jesus said that not one jot or tittle would pass away until all was fulfilled, and there are a number of scriptures concerning the end times that have not been fulfilled yet. Then there's the warning in Revelation 22 about those who would alter God's Word. If God takes His Word this seriously, then He should easily be able to preserve it regardless of who tries to pervert it.
This preservation is born out in the manuscripts that we have. All OT and NT manuscripts are remarkably well preserved and show very little variance, especially compared to the textual bodies of secular works. The largest discrepancy I can think of is the discrepancy in ages of OT genealogies between the Masoretic and Alexandrian Septuagint texts. The result of these discrepancies is that the Masoretic places the Flood at 2500 BC and Creation at 4100 BC, while the Septuagint has them at 3290 and 5500 BC. While this discrepancy shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, it does not impact any major Christian doctrine. Every other manuscript discrepancy between any text that we have available is nothing more than the expected spelling and punctuation errors.
Because we have the NT and the writings of the earliest church fathers (who both rebuked Jewish doctrine), so we can directly compare their doctrine both to modern church doctrine and the Bible to look for discrepancies or contradictions. While some like the Catholics, Anglicans, Mormons, and JWs contradict the Bible and have gone their own way, it is self evident that the majority of Christian denominations still preach the same gospel as the early church did. If Jews were secretly guiding us the whole time, they would have gotten us to deny the deity and/or Messiah-ship of Jesus by now. And they would have convinced the RCC to not persecute them at all, when the evidence overwhelming indicates that Jews were greatly persecuted by the RCC.
So do Christ and the disciples. They were all Jews who completely contradicted their Jewish leadership and got viciously persecuted for it. A man is known by his enemies, and since Paul had the exact same enemies as Christ and the disciples, that means he's in good company. Of course this goes back to my point that if Paul was a mole, then the disciples should have very easily been able to sniff him out. If the Holy Spirit empowered Peter to discern that Ananias and Sapphira lied about some money (Acts 5), then he should have easily been able to rat Paul out too. Since he didn't, since Peter and the other disciples took Paul in as one of their own, since Paul preached the same message, and since Paul performed his own miracles through the Holy Spirit, the logical conclusion is that Paul was legit.
If you and OP want to assert that Christianity and/or the Bible have been fundamentally altered over time, then the onus is on you to provide evidence for those claims. OP was completely unable to offer evidence for any of his claims that I asked about, whether about the Bible, church history, or basic physics.