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It says in the Bible not to charge interest...
polish_snausage, please give reference. I believe it is regarding "who you can charge interest". I may be mistaken.
I think was this one, I read it in my king James but I found this one online, because I'm not near it right now... I know there are different versions of things...
This is from (openbible.com)
Yes, thank you, polish_snausage. This is the verse I was thinking of. God seems to be saying don't charge interest to any of HIS people who are poor. I don't take that as a blanket statement not to ever charge interest. I read something you might find interesting about the Rothchilds. Apparently, years and years ago when they were just getting started with their banking empire, they were in a country where the King made everyone choose a "religion". It was either Jew or Christian and they chose Jewish because charging interest is how they made their living The Christians were against charging interest, but the Jews were not against it. Wish I could remember where I read that so I could post it here. I think in Bible times they called it "usury".....you used the money.
I'm His.
I'll go look, I'm not one who can remember passages, books & numbers.... I'm hoping I can find it again.... I'm the type that just reads the Bible by just opening it.... but I remember thinking , I didn't even know they called it 'interest' back then.
Actually, the word is 'usury' and applies particularly to the money changers-bank loans, creditcard companies and my personal fave, Foreign Exchange Dept.