There’s another sub-current running which as far as I can tell is pitting all many former friends and allies against each other, throwing controlled opposition accusations back and forward which I am trying to unravel, it’s quite fascinating but bewildering - it seems literally all the medical truth/freedom names we have come to know in the last few years are all potentially suspect, playing limited hangout games while Judas Goating for Big Harma etc and different factions are accusing others of what they themselves are being accused of etc…
The common theme / denominator for it all?
Germ theory vs terrain theory. When you splice it down as far as it can go, this is where it seems to emanate from.
In short, any debunking of germ theory - the notion that most illness and disease derives from invisible pathogens and contagion of these between people - will destroy medicine, pharma, public health, all their tributaries and much of.what we take for granted forever. Without pathogens, an awful lot of money and bullshit goes away. Terrain theory posits that illness is environmental, a result of toxins from food, water, air, medicines, cosmetics and much more, not to mention stress, pollution, lifestyle choices around diet, exercise and so on. A form of slow poisoning where what we consider pathogens under a microscope and symptoms of illness are actually all a result of the body detoxifying and not being kept in good running order.
There’s another sub-current running which as far as I can tell is pitting all many former friends and allies against each other, throwing controlled opposition accusations back and forward which I am trying to unravel, it’s quite fascinating but bewildering - it seems literally all the medical truth/freedom names we have come to know in the last few years are all potentially suspect, playing limited hangout games while Judas Goating for Big Harma etc and different factions are accusing others of what they themselves are being accused of etc…
The common theme / denominator for it all?
Germ theory vs terrain theory. When you splice it down as far as it can go, this is where it seems to emanate from.
Can you explain germ theory vs terrain theory?
In short, any debunking of germ theory - the notion that most illness and disease derives from invisible pathogens and contagion of these between people - will destroy medicine, pharma, public health, all their tributaries and much of.what we take for granted forever. Without pathogens, an awful lot of money and bullshit goes away. Terrain theory posits that illness is environmental, a result of toxins from food, water, air, medicines, cosmetics and much more, not to mention stress, pollution, lifestyle choices around diet, exercise and so on. A form of slow poisoning where what we consider pathogens under a microscope and symptoms of illness are actually all a result of the body detoxifying and not being kept in good running order.