177 Reiner Fuellmich Found Guilty and Fined in 3 Cases of "Sedition", "Insults" and "Hatred" (newsparadigm.substack.com) 🔍 Notable posted 1 year ago by Fringe--dweller 1 year ago by Fringe--dweller +177 / -0 Reiner Fuellmich Found Guilty and Fined in 3 Cases of "Sedition", "Insults" and "Hatred" As of: May 5, 2023 The Göttingen district court has convicted the lawyer Reiner Fuellmich of insults and incitement to hatred. The former head of the “Die Basis” party was ordered to pay 2,100 euros. 25 comments share 25 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I hope he can clobber "the thought police" on appeal. This may do more to bring the potential dangers of the jabs to a wider audience in the end (or so one hopes).
Their days are numbered.