Welcome to General Chat - GAW Community Area
This General Chat area started off as a place for people to talk about things that are off topic, however it has quickly evolved into a community and has become an integral part of the GAW experience for many of us.
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Rules for General Chat
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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
u/#mikeyep I learned hard back in 2019 that even with all game theroy I was tossing in my head, that I cannot see everything. I just knew that with Old Testament time prophecies that Trump would be removed from office illegitimately. I figured it would have to be either assassination (like the first prophecied one was removed), or Impeachment like the 2nd prophecied one was. I didn't even consider voter fraud on a large enough scale to fulfill that prophecy.
Close to 2024 & with my eyes even more open I have no idea for certain which of two possible paths we are on, though I highly suspect that we are on the one where the middle head of the 3 eagle heads has already swallowed up the left & right (ie Military took over via Devolution) & we are close to, if not already in the era that the AntiChrist (little horn with the eyes & mouth IMO) rises up to take control. Again I was wrong about how Trump would be removed & so we could be at the point still that Biden doesn't last as long as Trump & the next two stand up like they will take the seat & are sat down before they take it.
This is all assuming I have understood the book of 2nd Esdras Ch 11 correctly. No matter what, this whole experience has shown me that either someone knew back during the time of Daniel what was happening today, or that groups are forcing those prophecies to be fulfilled to usher in their own control.
It is fascinating to watch unfold & has me closer to God than I have ever been.
edit: Fixed assassination
Do you mean assignation? "An appointment to meet someone in secret."
😅 My keyboard really is "autocorrecting" far more than I like at this point.
assassination should have been the word :p
The prophecy of the 3 headed eagle (one of the last days beasts) had multiple short feathers & long feathers that stand up & go back down (4 & 8 year terms). It is spot on accurate if we start with Hoover's Presidency & continue up through Trump (maybe Biden if he is already removed). It accurately noted that the 2nd would serve (be elected) twice as long as any other, then four are plucked out denoting both JFK & Nixon accurately in the Timeline/series of leaders. Trump & Biden both are removed at the end IIRC & Biden will not last as long as Trump did before he is removed.
There was so much speculation about how the whole thing would happen after Trump was removed in various groups trying to figure it all out. Even the idea that once Trump was removed that Pence & the Speaker, along with the Senate Pro Tempore would all be removed at once in some DC attack. I never could get behind that because the two after Biden are suppose to stand up like they will take the seat & then sit back down. After this point in the prophecy I believe the middle head is supposed to remove the left & right heads, or the little horn with the eyes & mouth is supposed to come to power. I would need to re-read it again to make sure the timing is accurate after Biden being removed faster than Trump.
I believe it is in 2nd Esdras 11-12 & there was multiple different ways that it could be cross referenced with other scriptures (Daniel & Revelations being the most common) to try & find more clarity.