posted ago by Cat_Anon ago by Cat_Anon +22 / -0

I know, it's a crazy thought. I'm just putting this out there. We know there are a number of states that are wanting to remove DJT's name from the ballots. Could that be a way to overcome Dominion machine manipulation?

Here's what I mean. Suppose a dozen states known for their cheating remove Trump from the ballots. Trump says "I don't care. The voters will write my name onto the ballots!"

That I'm not certain of the procedures of how write in names are counted or considered, but won't the ballots with "write ins" immediately go in to a pile to be counted by hand?

That evil woman with the long name from Alaska won by write ins votes. It would be a slam dunk for Trump, especially if it's a 3 way race.

Of course, states would contest his "write in" victories afterwards, but that would be a very uphill battle for them.

Again, I'm not certain how that would work. I'm just putting it out there.