Too much?
Comments (16)
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We were taught 13 was an unlucky number.
That is not true.
The Devil deceives.
Number 13 Meaning, It's a Powerful Blessing From God
It's not a bad idea, but making the change to such a system right now would be really complex. So many computer programs would have to be updated, wars might break out to get people to adapt to it, and in the end we still have 365 days while we still have to deal with a leap year every 4 years.
Maybe if the whole system collapses and it has to start again..
12.80 lunar cycles (29.5306 days) in a years ---- not 13 (28 days)
Anyway --- all of the women in the world would synchronize ---- and reach PMS critical mass.
That sounds great! Think how easy you could plan work holidays, conferences, etc.
The day that all the ladies start their period could be fondly named 'Menses Monday' and 10 - 14 days later could be Baby Making Weekend to reflect their group ovulation, and all the restaurants and romantic getaway places would be booked months in advance.
Now do base 12 maths!!
I do like the 13 month concept.
I was a Y2K tester. Big hoax! Computers do what they're programmed to do. Most only last a few years anyway. Just do a bios update.
Never understood why the months didn't simply follow the moon cycle. Seems like common sense to me.
I actually like that idea a lot.
If you have 13 28-day months in a year you end up with a day or two over every year. I used to work for a company that used 28-day periods for accounting purposes and every so often they would need to add a 5-week period into the cycle.
This is because 28*13 = 364.
Simple, just make it a national holiday.
I like the idea but that still leaves problems. For instance, each new year will still start on a different day so the weeks and the 28-day months will no longer align with the years and what happens if you need to document that extra day? Do you add it to the current month so making it a 29 day month (or 30-day month for a leap year, or do you create a special holiday month?
The trouble is that the earth is travelling at the wrong speed! We need to speed it up so it finishes its years when it is convenient to do so.
Relax. Don't overthink it so much. No extra speed is necessary. We put too much emphasis on time, rushing here, rushing there, stressing over nonsense. Synchronicity is about being, experiencing and knowing that it is and will work out.
It isn't a speed thing. You will get the first day of the first week of the first month of this year in last year. If you fix that then you will get the last day of the last week of the last month in next year! You are just replacing one problem with another one.
The current calendar isn't exactly clean. History of the Roman Calendar
True, but the four-week month idea was suggested to clean it up. Same number of days in every month and same start day for each month etc. I am just pointing out that you will still have inconsistencies.
"Yeah, Bitch!" Sorry, that's all I hear in my head when I see Jesse🐸