Novel Spiroplasma sp. Isolated From CWD Is an Extreme Bacterial Thermoacidophile That Survives Autoclaving, Boiling, Formalin Tr...
Rapid spreading of chronic wasting disease (CWD) in wildlife and captive cervid populations has exposed lack of progress in dealing with the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) of man and animals. Since the TSE transmissible agent was resistant...
I am posting this thread as an addition to some of the threads on the anti-parasite drugs that are being suppressed.
A few years ago a research doctor, Dr. Frank Bastian, at Louisiana State University College of Agriculture announced the he had found the cause of chronic wasting disease in deer and elk, and they were working on a cure.
That first article many years back appears to have been scrubbed from the web, or I just can’t find it. In that article Dr. Bastian indicated that the researchers had always focused their research on the prion aspect of the disease. He stated that his research had found the prions were a by product of a bacteria, and that the bacteria was the source of the disease.
Dr. Bastain also stated that he believed that chronic wasting disease in deer and elk is the same disease as mad cow in cows, scrapie in sheep, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob in humans. He also stated that he believed the bacteria could be the source of other human diseases like Parkinson and Alzheimer’s Disease in humans. He believed they would have a cure for CWD in three to five years and possibly even some of the human diseases in five to seven years. The problem was finding a cure that could cross the blood brain barrier.
I believe this research got suppressed based on the thing I am seeing when I try to find information on Dr. Bastian’s research progress. There are some articles out there asserting his research was wrong.
I take ivermectin monthly, but intend to up the rate I am taking it. I have a history of Alzheimer's in my family, and just on the chance that ivermectin might work I intend to give it a try.
Thanks so much for this information. Never heard of Dr. Frank Bastian, really quite amazing research and how he connects the possibility of these diseases in animals may be known by different names in humans. You mention ivermectin, how often do you take it and what protocol do you use? Just curious, thanks.
Wow...this is one nasty, resistant bacteria. Thank you for providing this was all new to me. My dad died of Alzheimers and one thing I have done to decrease my chances is to take out all vegetable oils and I only use virgin coconut oil which I buy from Tropical Traditions. I use lot of butter and olive oil on occasion but I use coconut oil for everything else...even my morning coffee. It contains medium chain triglycerides and has been used in improving Alzheimer's.
Keep it up So many people discard the need for good fats, they may eat fresh salad everyday, eat whole grain muffins, fresh organic food, but if they are using canola, vegan margarine, palm oils, bottled organic salad dressings with soy oils, they are poisoning themselves.
I also use a lot of coconut oil. Even in the morning coffee if I am not using butter and honey.
James H. Bedino, Chemist and Director of Research for The Champion Company wrote an interesting article back in 1995 about Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease:
Encyclopedia #625