I guess it depends what you mean by "this story". TPV is asserting that it is all about the WEF, etc.
But where in the Telegraph article that there is any linkage or evidence of (direct) involvement of the WEF?
I cannot see any.
I've made numerous posts and studies on TPV. Their method is consistent.
The Newspunch article asserts (actually inserts) the WEF into this, because (I believe) they know that WEF is a trigger word / name for people in the truth movement and folks who have started to or are awake to the Cabal etc.
FWIW The Peoples Voice is the only one reporting this: https://thepeoplesvoice.tv/britain-agrees-to-relinquish-its-tax-sovereignty-to-the-wef/
That's because they made it up. It's bullshite.
Really. How is the WEF related to OECD?
Davos? Really? How is Davos related to OECD?
Is OECD run by the WEF? is there any corroborating data in the copy/paste article that TPV uses to imply their fake headlines are real?
TPV Standard method:
Clickbait (false) headline + 2 / 3 x false statements + copy/paste of some tenuously related legit article.
spread clickbait bullshite, agitate target's emotional responses, dampen or short-circuit critical thinking and discernment.
Not true.
The Telegraph in the UK are also reporting on this story.
I guess it depends what you mean by "this story". TPV is asserting that it is all about the WEF, etc.
But where in the Telegraph article that there is any linkage or evidence of (direct) involvement of the WEF?
I cannot see any.
I've made numerous posts and studies on TPV. Their method is consistent.
The Newspunch article asserts (actually inserts) the WEF into this, because (I believe) they know that WEF is a trigger word / name for people in the truth movement and folks who have started to or are awake to the Cabal etc.