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CANADA: Five Provincial Finance Ministers Call For Elimination Of Carbon Tax As Support For The Tax Collapses Nationwide


The ongoing carbon tax soap opera in Canada is continuing.

In the season opener, Trudeau proposed suspending his widely unpopular and inflation-fuelling carbon tax--only on home heating oil and only in Atlantic Canada, where the Liberals hold many seats, but polling numbers for the Libs are slumping. Nothing polical, just "helping out hard working Canadians", you see.

In our last episode, Alberta objected to this, saying that it should be across-the-board. Trudeau's Rural Economic Development Minister, Gudie Hutchings, responded that if other provinces want relief "they should elect more Liberals" (seriously).

Now a new plot twist: Alberta is joined by Nova Scotia and New Brunswick (themselves Atlantic provinces) along with Ontario (surprisingly, seeing how much Dough Ford has been kissing Trudeau's ass lately), and the very based Saskatchewan.

The rather mild statement reads as follows:

“The federal carbon tax is having a disproportionate impact on affordability for millions of Canadians without actually creating options for people to move away from fossil fuels.

The federal government’s recent decision to remove the carbon tax on certain heating fuels in some provinces and not others is creating further jurisdictional imbalances. We urge the federal government to eliminate the carbon tax to ensure fairness and ease financial pressure on Canadians.”

What will happen next? Will Trudeau freeze their bank accounts? Or will he back down?

Stay tuned!