I'm interested in how you see us going back to a one-income nuclear family.
Even before inflation was an issue, the majority of Americans still had big money issues. And even if we got rid of income tax, most families wouldn't be able to afford a one-income lifestyle.
Rent and mortgages are the biggest hurdles in the way of families surviving on one income. I'm not sure how we would fix that. You can't force people to give people cheap rent or sell their homes cheaply.
The huge gap between CEOs and business owners and regular employees is the other huge hurdle. Unless we jack up the minimum wage, there's really nothing we can do about that. We can't force companies to not pay their CEOs huge salaries.
Just to give you an idea of how different salaries are now compared to when families were once able to survive on one income:
Today, the average CEO makes around 350x what the company's typical workers make.
In 1965, the CEOs made only 20x what the other employees made.
Our middle class is dying out. Most people are falling to lower class while a select few are rising to upper class.
And I don't see what can be done about it, really. We can't penalize people for wanting to make more money. It's part of the idea of the American Dream.
I think it's possible to remove all the scamminess from the economy and to have a purely merit-based capitalist system. Currently, the most lucrative ventures are the ones tapping in to taxpayer funds. Look at pharma. Look at defense.
The world economy has been used to transfer wealth from working people to the parasites. I just see huge upside potential, but I have no economic plan for how it is going to happen.
I'm interested in how you see us going back to a one-income nuclear family.
Even before inflation was an issue, the majority of Americans still had big money issues. And even if we got rid of income tax, most families wouldn't be able to afford a one-income lifestyle.
Rent and mortgages are the biggest hurdles in the way of families surviving on one income. I'm not sure how we would fix that. You can't force people to give people cheap rent or sell their homes cheaply.
The huge gap between CEOs and business owners and regular employees is the other huge hurdle. Unless we jack up the minimum wage, there's really nothing we can do about that. We can't force companies to not pay their CEOs huge salaries.
Just to give you an idea of how different salaries are now compared to when families were once able to survive on one income:
Today, the average CEO makes around 350x what the company's typical workers make.
In 1965, the CEOs made only 20x what the other employees made.
Our middle class is dying out. Most people are falling to lower class while a select few are rising to upper class.
And I don't see what can be done about it, really. We can't penalize people for wanting to make more money. It's part of the idea of the American Dream.
I think it's possible to remove all the scamminess from the economy and to have a purely merit-based capitalist system. Currently, the most lucrative ventures are the ones tapping in to taxpayer funds. Look at pharma. Look at defense.
The world economy has been used to transfer wealth from working people to the parasites. I just see huge upside potential, but I have no economic plan for how it is going to happen.