I was going to post this a few weeks ago and decided to think about it more, I'm glad I waited. There are so many pieces that need to be tangled together. Once the pieces are in place it explains why Israel was saved for last. I think the main reason being, it would be the riskiest part of the plan. Israel is a nuclear armed nation. How do you disarm a nuclear armed nation without risking human existence? We will get back to this.
Many people have questioned Israel's involvement within the deep state cabal. In Q post 916 an anon asks if Israel was involved in the Awan spying incident. https://qanon.pub/?#916
Q responded: We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
Another reason Israel was held for last is because you must follow case theory, when you investigate a crime, you gather evidence, question witnesses, build your case before making an arrest. Like Q has said, it must be done right.
This is going to be crazy theory; you might think I am nuts. I am going to add things that don't seem to fit, believe me, they do.
Remember Trump talking about creating future Freedom cities?
Trump proposes building futuristic, Jetsons-like ‘freedom cities’ on federal land
"The 2024 presidential candidate argues will lead to “a quantum leap in the American standard of living.” "Flying cars?"
When I first heard this I thought to myself, Trump had flip sides. Is he pushing the NWO 15 minute city agenda? No, I think he is being serious. But, how do we make a quantum leap forward as grand as this?
I know many here may not partake in the UFO conspiracy theories but when Q was asked "Are we alone" he answered "No", Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. https://qanon.pub/?#2222
Lets move on.
Stay with me,
Have you heard the term "Age of Aquarius"? Do you know what it means? I will explain it momentarily.
Here is a song created in 1969 called the Age of Aquarius sung by a group called the 5th Dimension.
Here are the lyrics to this song.
"Harmony and understanding
Sympathy and trust abounding
No more falsehoods or derisions
Golden living dreams of visions
Mystic crystal revelation
And the minds true liberation"
Does this sound like our future if the cabal was destroyed? Do you know how much technology has been hidden from us? Free energy, cures for all diseases, do you see how Freedom cities can fit in?
Lets move on.
Stay with me,
Guess what? We are entering into the Age of Aquarius is now!
This term means the star formations we see at the vernal equinox in March is pointed toward Aquarius. For the last 2160 years the March equinox pointed to Pieces, now it is moving into Aquarius. Here is a good diagram.
The vernal equinox is two moments in the year when the Sun is exactly above the Equator and day and night are of equal length.
So, 2,160 years is how long it takes for the vernal equinox to move from one constellation of the zodiac into the next. That means it takes almost 26,000 years to see all the star formations (Zodiacs) at the spring equinox.
Why do I mention this? Do you know who had a 26,000 year calendar? The ancient Mayan civilization. A civilization that started aprox 1800 BC.
HOW did the Maya figure out there was a 26,000 year astrological cycle? My point here is they had help, from who though?
Here is the Mayan calendar.
Here are crop circles in 2005, 2009 and 2011 with Mayan looking symbols.
There many more crop circles around the world that have scientific and mathematical meanings we are still trying to figure out.
Pi appears in crop circle
Almost done,
What does the age of Aquarius predict for the human population?
"Expect developments in all arenas, including scientific discoveries, technological advancements, societal shifts".
More Transparency: The Unknown Will Be Known The Aquarian Age is a period of transparency. Expect no secrets!
What is the name of this website we visit each day? THE GREAT AWAKENING ; UNITED WORLD WIDE.
Remember I told you above the cabal has been hiding scientific technology, Trump is promising Jetson like cities. I decipher this as, our governments have been hiding UFO technology. With the cabal out of the way, what happens? We step out of the fossil fuel age with free energy technology and major technologic achievements in our future.
Added bonus:
Here is a series of ancient paintings dating back to the year 1400's. They all have UFO's in the sky.
One last thing:
Here is a video called The Cosmic Secret. It is a 3 part series in 1 video. We are currently living through part 3. There are many topics talked about in this video that are talked about here on TGA. Talks about continuity of government and the war between good and evil.
Act 1 - Who are we? Disclosing our cosmic history.
Act 2 - Why are we here? Unveiling the grand experiment.
Act 3 - What is our destiny? Apocalypse the great revealing.
Tying it together:
The video above also talks about "Ascension" in part 3, which is mentioned in the very last Q post. The video talks about a rise in human intelligence, connecting to upper dimensions.
Getting back to Israel and why they were saved for last.
The Balfour Declaration was an agreement that created Israel. It moved the Zionists into the Palestinian area into settlements. This agreement was negotiated by Lord Rothchild.
Now, it looks as though the Rothchilds have been taken down. They are auctioning their personal belongings. Could this mean the Zionists are now on their own, no more support from the Rothchilds. We heard speaker Mike Johnson introduced as 45th speaker. The corporation is dead. No more tax dollars feeding the deepstate cabal system. The USA has become a Republic again.
Could this be why the Zionist are destroying Gaza strip as we speak? They see something coming they don't like? Like I said above, they have nukes, how do you take down a ruthless empire that would have no issues destroying the planet in a nuclear rage on its way out? Believe me, they would not hesitate pushing the big red button if they knew their time was up.
This is the part that always worried me. I know the Zionists are the real target. They control our politicians, using Epstein and honeypot bribery. Trump points out our ultimate enemy every time he mentions the media, the media are controlled by the Zionist. They are the real threat to humanity and they have nukes, What do you do?
Have you heard stories like these?
The Pentagon Is Investigating UFOs That Possibly Turned Off Warheads
AF vets testify that UFOs shut down 10 nukes, shot missile out of sky
Ex-Air Force Personnel: UFOs Deactivated Nukes
Dan Scavino posted a clip that links to a Q post talking about a satellite being taken offline. Israeli satellite?
Time stamp 8:15 leads us to Q post 2015: https://qanon.pub/?#2015
CORONA: Declassified
The USA has sent several ships to the region, what will be the agenda once they are there? Do you think Biden or Trump that made that call? Is Trump acting when he says he supports Israel, keep your enemy close? Are the Zionists days numbered? Will we have help from above? Pray for our soldiers on the front line. Pray for our Country. Pray for this movie to come to a quick end. Once the Zionists are out of the way, the clean-up operation here in the USA begins. What evidence will be found if we put troops on the ground in Israel. The politicians pushing for full blown Israeli funding should be worried right now. God Bless you All.
This could explain operation paperclip.