"The Fake News is sounding the alarm on the Biden campaign, conceding that Trump is beating Biden in key swing states. Even the leftist toilet paper like Vanity Fair and Daily Beast are jumping on this poll. Why would they admit this if they can just steal it like they did in 2020?"

Supposedly these articles understate how badly Gropey Joe is losing. Gropey and Cackles are down to single digit leads among hispanics. Black support is at 22%. And they are doing WORSE in states with large minority populations. Worse news yet is that they expect many solid blue states like NJ, CA, and NY to be at least competitive if not lean Trump.
Why the articles? Axlerod came right out and said Gropey needed to go. The dems will either have to stuff ballots in unsustainable numbers even in solid blue states let alone swing states. Or they come up with a different candidate that can at least close the gap enough to feasibly stuff enough ballots for him to eke out a win at 3 AM.