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Fully-Vaxxed New Zealand Suffers 3000% Spike in Excess Deaths


Devastating leaks from the New Zealand government have revealed that the fully-vaxxed nation has suffered a staggering 3,000 percent spike in excess deaths over the past two years. ... Official data shows that 95.8% of the eligible New Zealand population aged 12 and over have received one dose of the Covid mRNA shots. ...

... Gunn, a former TV host-turned-investigative reporter, tracked down patients who had received Covid vaccinations from the same clinic in New Zealand. Alarmingly, she traced all 30 patients who were vaccinated by the clinic on the same day and discovered that every single one of them had died around the same time.

... The government raided people’s private homes and arrested citizens who refused to obey the lockdowns and forced injections. ...

That's absolutely brutal!