Boomers haven't been sponging off the generations to come. Boomers have paid their dues. Many were killed off from the clot shots. Many younger people are on SS and Medicare/Medicaid because they cannot function for any reason. Kick off illegals who get welfare etc. There is plenty of money to take care of Americans.
Boomers lived it up on deficits they expected someone else to pay. Their pensions are bankrupting the nation. Many more retired on the gains their houses made under mass immigration, but the effect of this was future generations have to pay 40x as much for a house when starting out. Every one of boomers’ gains has been at the expense of future generations.
The math shows otherwise- if their pension funds and social security funds had not been plundered, if the petro/fiat dollar hadn't been artificially devalued, they would have plenty of their own money to live off of.
The pensions and social security funds were plundered by boomer retirees expecting to live it up for 20+ years without having to work. The generation that came before never had such a thing, no one did. Living within their means is boomer kryptonite.
The devaluation of the dollar was caused by money printing, which was demanded by boomers and their incessant need to spend more than they have.
I don't know how it works in other countries but I paid into the UK government pension scheme for 43 years and into my own private pension fund for at least twenty years. That money was invested (I had no say in it) and, assuming that it was invested wisely, should pay me minimum wage until I'm 100. In other words, the government and the private pension company are paying me back the capital that I lent them plus interest, which obviously should be less than the profits they made by investing my money. If they invested unwisely, and/or allowed someone to steal part of my capital, that's not my fault.
The greatest generation who gave boomers life, taught them to worship God, honest work for honest pay, save for a rainy day, reduce, recycle and reuse things, if you can't buy it in cash, you can't buy it and many more gems. My siblings and I are boomers and none have/are mooching off the system. We have worked very hard all our lives, saving until we could afford items, or down payment for items and now is the time to retire. Now people believe they should have everything they want immediately without saving or working for it. Nor, do they even know what a need is vs a want.
Perhaps there are a few boomers that are taking advantage of the system, but I have not come across one yet. There are many people who are not boomers who are on social security and medicare/medicaid who are screwing the system.
Then, throw the illegals into the medicare/medicaid, social security mix.
Rewind, pedes- the government institutions of daycare and indoctrination did their jobs and brainwashed generations of kids successfully to look to the government and big business for all the answers. We're simply in the dying phase of all that. Those families who stuck to God or returned to God have no problem finding motivation to be productive. There are some self-starters who do it on their own as well. But the drive to make a life for oneself starts optimally with the parents. Not too late to find Christ and start taking on missions for the family or church.
Boomers haven't been sponging off the generations to come. Boomers have paid their dues. Many were killed off from the clot shots. Many younger people are on SS and Medicare/Medicaid because they cannot function for any reason. Kick off illegals who get welfare etc. There is plenty of money to take care of Americans.
Boomers lived it up on deficits they expected someone else to pay. Their pensions are bankrupting the nation. Many more retired on the gains their houses made under mass immigration, but the effect of this was future generations have to pay 40x as much for a house when starting out. Every one of boomers’ gains has been at the expense of future generations.
The math shows otherwise- if their pension funds and social security funds had not been plundered, if the petro/fiat dollar hadn't been artificially devalued, they would have plenty of their own money to live off of.
The pensions and social security funds were plundered by boomer retirees expecting to live it up for 20+ years without having to work. The generation that came before never had such a thing, no one did. Living within their means is boomer kryptonite.
The devaluation of the dollar was caused by money printing, which was demanded by boomers and their incessant need to spend more than they have.
I don't know how it works in other countries but I paid into the UK government pension scheme for 43 years and into my own private pension fund for at least twenty years. That money was invested (I had no say in it) and, assuming that it was invested wisely, should pay me minimum wage until I'm 100. In other words, the government and the private pension company are paying me back the capital that I lent them plus interest, which obviously should be less than the profits they made by investing my money. If they invested unwisely, and/or allowed someone to steal part of my capital, that's not my fault.
Wow that's a lot of programming to unpack. Good luck with that.
By riding the coattails of the greatest generation and screwing all us over?
Yikes! The greatest generation who gave boomers life, taught them to worship God, honest work for honest pay, save for a rainy day, reduce, recycle and reuse things, if you can't buy it in cash, you can't buy it and many more gems. My siblings and I are boomers and none have/are mooching off the system. We have worked very hard all our lives, saving until we could afford items, or down payment for items and now is the time to retire. Now people believe they should have everything they want immediately without saving or working for it. Nor, do they even know what a need is vs a want. Perhaps there are a few boomers that are taking advantage of the system, but I have not come across one yet. There are many people who are not boomers who are on social security and medicare/medicaid who are screwing the system. Then, throw the illegals into the medicare/medicaid, social security mix.
Rewind, pedes- the government institutions of daycare and indoctrination did their jobs and brainwashed generations of kids successfully to look to the government and big business for all the answers. We're simply in the dying phase of all that. Those families who stuck to God or returned to God have no problem finding motivation to be productive. There are some self-starters who do it on their own as well. But the drive to make a life for oneself starts optimally with the parents. Not too late to find Christ and start taking on missions for the family or church.