What degeneration from leftist decadence does to the minds of once sound, beautiful, and kind people into eventual abominations themselves.
🤢 Victim of libtardism 🤮

I looked it up to see if it's even correct and so far this what I got, what do you think?
If true if this was what happened to her, I wouldn't be surprised. Liberalism can do things to people that seem unbelievable but are possible.
Thank you for providing an adequate amount of evidence, most likely this is the same post, collated. I will edit my comment above
I found additional evidence indicating this is actually true from the person.
Good eye, anon.
It turns out she confirmed it's true what she became.
Just doing what I can.
The reason the time and other stuff is identical is the person who created this image grabbed both from their photo library within the same minute in order to put them side by side.
Yes I am convinced of this aswell now