It's literally because when your cells replicate there is a chance that the mitochondria will fuck up and boom there's cancer or some kind of mutation.
Clinging to your "chance" theory through thick and thin, I see. How disgusting.
Thomas Seyfried actually works on curing cancer. The "experts" you believe without questioning do not.
But you don't really care about actual RESULTS, do you?
You didn't bother watching his lecture, even though he knows more than those lemmings you follow.
And if plants are so fucking bad for us to eat, let's go ...
No need. Just respond to the carcinogen issue in ALL plants.
You also didn't watch the neurosurgeon's lecture on the topic.
You won't because you can't because your "experts" did not tell you to, and you WON'T INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF.
The fact is the human lifespan is not forever, our cells eventually reach a point where they are not able to replicate any further without bad shit happening.
Red herring, and irrelevant to this discussion.
Just be aware that your body does eventually convert fat into glucose ...
Again, irrelevant.
Everything you say is STANDARD medical industry BULLSHIT.
They do NOT cure cancer. They sell drugs, but they do NOT get RESULTS.
You can't see it, though, because you are willfully blind to this even being a possibility. Typical. Sad, but typical.
I hope to God you never become a medical doctor. You are a disaster waiting to happen.
Around here, at the GAW, we like to INVESTIGATE IDEAS.
Maybe you should learn how to do that.
If your body didn't need ATP ...
Yet another red herring that has nothing to do with this discussion.
and you're a fucking troll.
And YOU are a PERFECT example of the utter arrogant stupidity and bullshit that parades today as "scientist," "doctor," "researcher" and basic "expert" who has willful blindness.
You are sticking to the false ideology taught in your religious school (yes, it is a religion because it is all based on faith and NOT the Scientific Method). You will stick to what you think are the "experts" say, who "tell you the truth" ... and YOU WON'T SPEND ONE FUCKING MINUTE TRYING TO EDUCATE ... YOURSELF.
Absoultely pathetic.
P.S. Jesus HATES faggots. Maybe you should repent, starting with changing your username.
If carbohydrates cause cancer, then why don't you get yourself a fucking light microscope, expose some living tissue maybe some stem cells or something to some carbohydrates like glucose or sucrose or fructose or galactose or whatever kind of fucking complex or simple carbohydrate you want to use as your fucking example in your solution, and then let's see if you can culture some cancer cells that way. I'd be willing to bet money that my way of getting the cells to replicate over and over and over will eventually yield cancer and yours won't. This is established science. This is theory, which in science means that it has been tested and proven. This is an easily replicable experiment. Good God I'm sure if you looked you could find a fucking video of somebody doing this exact thing. But there's no point in arguing with you because you're such a fucking retard that you probably need somebody to help you fucking tie your shoes in the morning. But yeah go on right ahead and keep telling everybody that eating fruits and vegetables is a fucking Illuminati conspiracy. Oh no guys my liver is producing glucose how do I stop it so I don't get cancer from the glucose that my own fucking body produces oh no! You know what buddy, I know how you can stop yourself from getting cancer and how you can stop your body from producing fucking carbohydrates or converting carbohydrates from your food into fucking glucose and ATP to fuel your fucking cells, you could just go and take one of your fucking guns that you bought with your fucking line cook salary and load up a bullet into it stick that fucking gun into your mouth and point the barrel directly at your fucking brain pull the fucking trigger. Good God you are a fucking moron. Carbohydrates don't fucking cause cancer. Your body uses carbohydrates as is basic form of energy. Your body uses lipids to store energy and when you fucking eat anything it either gets used immediately to repair your muscle cells in the form of protein or it's pissed out through your fucking kidneys, or it gets converted to lipids in the form of adipose tissue or triglycerides or fucking cholesterol, or it gets converted into fucking blood sugar and then it goes into your blood and nourishes your fucking body and your cells. That's what fucking happens. Everything gets broken down into those basic fucking components in your stomach in your digestive system in your fucking liver Good God you fucking moron carbohydrates do not fucking cause cancer. This isn't me clinging to authority figures this is me fucking telling you that some random person you fucking found on YouTube is trying to get you to do stupid shit so they can make fucking money and that's stupid shit is going to get you fucking killed. I mean fuck dude some people in this fucking thread are arguing for making your blood fucking acidic that's called acidosis it catches you a fucking minor case of death you fucking moron. God damn how fucking stupid and gullible can you people actually fucking be? there are literally people on this fucking website who are here to fucking troll you into believing stupid absolutely fucking ridiculous shit just so they can take screenshots of it and fucking go back to their little fucking state-sponsored fucking newsroom and show all their fucking co-workers what fucking dumbasses you are so they can fucking make stories about how fucking stupid the lot of you are. The thing about science is that it is all testable. It's not conjecture it's not fucking all hypothesis it's actually tested fucking theory. I mean your whole fucking argument is an appeal to authority and while you're simultaneously trying to reject established fucking truth because some fucking idiot on YouTube is fucking telling you that up is down and the sky is actually fucking green.
Clinging to your "chance" theory through thick and thin, I see. How disgusting.
Thomas Seyfried actually works on curing cancer. The "experts" you believe without questioning do not.
But you don't really care about actual RESULTS, do you?
You didn't bother watching his lecture, even though he knows more than those lemmings you follow.
No need. Just respond to the carcinogen issue in ALL plants.
You also didn't watch the neurosurgeon's lecture on the topic.
You won't because you can't because your "experts" did not tell you to, and you WON'T INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF.
Red herring, and irrelevant to this discussion.
Again, irrelevant.
Everything you say is STANDARD medical industry BULLSHIT.
They do NOT cure cancer. They sell drugs, but they do NOT get RESULTS.
You can't see it, though, because you are willfully blind to this even being a possibility. Typical. Sad, but typical.
I hope to God you never become a medical doctor. You are a disaster waiting to happen.
Around here, at the GAW, we like to INVESTIGATE IDEAS.
Maybe you should learn how to do that.
Yet another red herring that has nothing to do with this discussion.
And YOU are a PERFECT example of the utter arrogant stupidity and bullshit that parades today as "scientist," "doctor," "researcher" and basic "expert" who has willful blindness.
You are sticking to the false ideology taught in your religious school (yes, it is a religion because it is all based on faith and NOT the Scientific Method). You will stick to what you think are the "experts" say, who "tell you the truth" ... and YOU WON'T SPEND ONE FUCKING MINUTE TRYING TO EDUCATE ... YOURSELF.
Absoultely pathetic.
P.S. Jesus HATES faggots. Maybe you should repent, starting with changing your username.
If carbohydrates cause cancer, then why don't you get yourself a fucking light microscope, expose some living tissue maybe some stem cells or something to some carbohydrates like glucose or sucrose or fructose or galactose or whatever kind of fucking complex or simple carbohydrate you want to use as your fucking example in your solution, and then let's see if you can culture some cancer cells that way. I'd be willing to bet money that my way of getting the cells to replicate over and over and over will eventually yield cancer and yours won't. This is established science. This is theory, which in science means that it has been tested and proven. This is an easily replicable experiment. Good God I'm sure if you looked you could find a fucking video of somebody doing this exact thing. But there's no point in arguing with you because you're such a fucking retard that you probably need somebody to help you fucking tie your shoes in the morning. But yeah go on right ahead and keep telling everybody that eating fruits and vegetables is a fucking Illuminati conspiracy. Oh no guys my liver is producing glucose how do I stop it so I don't get cancer from the glucose that my own fucking body produces oh no! You know what buddy, I know how you can stop yourself from getting cancer and how you can stop your body from producing fucking carbohydrates or converting carbohydrates from your food into fucking glucose and ATP to fuel your fucking cells, you could just go and take one of your fucking guns that you bought with your fucking line cook salary and load up a bullet into it stick that fucking gun into your mouth and point the barrel directly at your fucking brain pull the fucking trigger. Good God you are a fucking moron. Carbohydrates don't fucking cause cancer. Your body uses carbohydrates as is basic form of energy. Your body uses lipids to store energy and when you fucking eat anything it either gets used immediately to repair your muscle cells in the form of protein or it's pissed out through your fucking kidneys, or it gets converted to lipids in the form of adipose tissue or triglycerides or fucking cholesterol, or it gets converted into fucking blood sugar and then it goes into your blood and nourishes your fucking body and your cells. That's what fucking happens. Everything gets broken down into those basic fucking components in your stomach in your digestive system in your fucking liver Good God you fucking moron carbohydrates do not fucking cause cancer. This isn't me clinging to authority figures this is me fucking telling you that some random person you fucking found on YouTube is trying to get you to do stupid shit so they can make fucking money and that's stupid shit is going to get you fucking killed. I mean fuck dude some people in this fucking thread are arguing for making your blood fucking acidic that's called acidosis it catches you a fucking minor case of death you fucking moron. God damn how fucking stupid and gullible can you people actually fucking be? there are literally people on this fucking website who are here to fucking troll you into believing stupid absolutely fucking ridiculous shit just so they can take screenshots of it and fucking go back to their little fucking state-sponsored fucking newsroom and show all their fucking co-workers what fucking dumbasses you are so they can fucking make stories about how fucking stupid the lot of you are. The thing about science is that it is all testable. It's not conjecture it's not fucking all hypothesis it's actually tested fucking theory. I mean your whole fucking argument is an appeal to authority and while you're simultaneously trying to reject established fucking truth because some fucking idiot on YouTube is fucking telling you that up is down and the sky is actually fucking green.