Check out these top comments over on r/politics! The article title is — "Joe Biden's economy is, honestly, pretty amazing: how come he doesn't get credit?" — Well, they are certainly starting to give him credit over on Reddit! BAD CREDIT! The awakening is accelerating at WARP SPEED!

Deeper in the comments and most of them end up blaming Trump anyway, “Yeah the economy is bad but it would have been so much worse with Trump!”
That being said, I think I may have swung an indie (left leaning) voter toward Trump recently when he was bemoaning the economy and mentioned tax cuts and how all the democrats just want to raise his taxes, and I said “Sounds like you should just vote Trump “, expecting him to get angry I was prepared to play it off as kind of a joke but he agreed and said his only concern was how to hide his vote from his wife.
Voting strategy huh!
Sounds like a bad wife.