"Basically the Internet would be controlled by the government on every single level
Today is the second time they tried this
The original plan was for Obama to accomplish this through the net neutrality/Title2
Nobody left or right should want this
The Clintons wanted this since Lewinsky...😁
I remember Hillary speaking about it in the 90s
They don't want free information So they blame disinformation Because they can't control the narrative when we are free to speak Truth
Nothing good comes from the FCC
Every Truther you love would disappear
This would kill our freedoms
You would feel like we've felt x10 during the purges
They are not even trying to sell it to you or talk about it this time
Obama/Soros is gonna make the Internet more available.....kek
Twitter hurt them....no wonder Elon made his on internet" 👀☕️
(Pepe Deluxe)
Yesterday after receiving a warning and threat from YouTube over my "hate speech" I responded to them that truth is seen by the enemies of mankind as hateful and they would not have to block me as I was deleting my channel. After doing so, I deleted my accounts with Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
It felt good and even better today. Feels like freedom.
Good on ya, mate!
We are the content creators,
we are the users who generate “user-generated content”.
I got sick of Zuck “fact checking” every single one of my FB posts, and i knew i was being shadow-banned, so i deleted FB. That was a chore. They make it really hard to figure out how to delete FB, hoping you give up and keep your account.
Anyway, thats been a few years, and i don’t miss it at all