Last nights debt clock was about silver. I got great vibes about JP Morgan going bankrupt from their silver short positions. I got gme at 400 and I’m proud. I might as well hold. We’ll be in MOASS for me to break even so, I’ll HODL.
Aside from the whole rape part of the rape and pillaging. I’m a fan of Gengis Kahn and look forward to 0.17% of humanity carrying my DNA.
I will continue to stack my “FuckEms” (BTC/ Sats) until the halving. It’s interesting how the halving is timed right when these criminals were itching to push their CBDC. I also have a couple hundred in $FJB just in case.
Edit: it’s bad luck to misspell stonks. Check that typo. Kek
There is a major collapse coming in financial. The tea leaves and data are screaming it. Stock up now if you havent already friends.
Stock up on lead, food, ciggs or condoms and party hats?
bro we gonna moon on the silver, gme stoinks, btc. you can have as many kids as you want. blackrock and vangaurd can eat my shorts
Last nights debt clock was about silver. I got great vibes about JP Morgan going bankrupt from their silver short positions. I got gme at 400 and I’m proud. I might as well hold. We’ll be in MOASS for me to break even so, I’ll HODL.
Aside from the whole rape part of the rape and pillaging. I’m a fan of Gengis Kahn and look forward to 0.17% of humanity carrying my DNA.
I will continue to stack my “FuckEms” (BTC/ Sats) until the halving. It’s interesting how the halving is timed right when these criminals were itching to push their CBDC. I also have a couple hundred in $FJB just in case.
Edit: it’s bad luck to misspell stonks. Check that typo. Kek