Last nights debt clock was about silver. I got great vibes about JP Morgan going bankrupt from their silver short positions. I got gme at 400 and I’m proud. I might as well hold. We’ll be in MOASS for me to break even so, I’ll HODL.
Aside from the whole rape part of the rape and pillaging. I’m a fan of Gengis Kahn and look forward to 0.17% of humanity carrying my DNA.
I will continue to stack my “FuckEms” (BTC/ Sats) until the halving. It’s interesting how the halving is timed right when these criminals were itching to push their CBDC. I also have a couple hundred in $FJB just in case.
Edit: it’s bad luck to misspell stonks. Check that typo. Kek
Last nights debt clock was about silver. I got great vibes about JP Morgan going bankrupt from their silver short positions. I got gme at 400 and I’m proud. I might as well hold. We’ll be in MOASS for me to break even so, I’ll HODL.
Aside from the whole rape part of the rape and pillaging. I’m a fan of Gengis Kahn and look forward to 0.17% of humanity carrying my DNA.
I will continue to stack my “FuckEms” (BTC/ Sats) until the halving. It’s interesting how the halving is timed right when these criminals were itching to push their CBDC. I also have a couple hundred in $FJB just in case.
Edit: it’s bad luck to misspell stonks. Check that typo. Kek