posted ago by MAG768720 ago by MAG768720 +43 / -0

5:45 -- Georgia county commissioner is drunk and goes apeshit (good look at how some "politicians" really are)

15:45 -- Clip of Rep. Higgins grilling Wray over ghost buses

17:15 -- Responds to viewer saying SOTH Johnson needs to be removed (Gaetz says give him a little time, and if he does not come through, he will suffer the same fate as McCarthy)

20:30 -- Problem with wokeness in the sky. People are being hired for air traffic control who are not competent, and are putting aircraft in danger. A pilot said, "They're trying to kill us." There are no more merit tests for air traffic controllers. It is all woke bullshit and push for "diversity" hires.

30:45 -- Beattie talks about how the system is made up of complex equipment and processes that the people operating them have to be able to do. But the current people are unable to perform the necessary functions to maintain the system, and the system is breaking down. This reminds me of a recent discussion involving Jordan Peterson, where he said the US military did a 100-year study on IQ. They determined that anyone with an IQ under 83 is not capable of carrying out needed funcitons, and in fact anything they do ends up being counterproductive. Soundes EXACTLY like what is going on now with diversity hires in aviation.
