It's not just the dorks and degenerates. It's also the people that have no connection to the land or the people that made it great, they come to take. They're all ruining it.
I just had to watch a mandatory sexual harassment video at work where they mix in the gender bullshit with the normal sexual harassment issues where we have to cater to the insane because of their feelings. That is us accomadating to the pussifacation of our own society. It may have all started there too. The businesses push it and then force it by mixing it in with actual issues.
Even technology is corrupted. Don't believe them, the world would be much better off if the cabal didn't have control over the technology and advancement that go main stream. Science is littered with crap science that floats to the top
Among the degenerates are women obsessed with being whores and demanding to be praised for it and men obsessed with being feminine cucks obsessed with praising said whores.
Here where I live, the monsters destroyed practically all wild life, for what? First thing I saw, a new McDonald, every time we pass for that area I was talking about their evilness of destroying the nature now I am really upset. Freaking Pharisees aka cabal aka Zionists and on and on, why do they want to eliminate all living things? Because they are demons. That’s all.
It's not just the dorks and degenerates. It's also the people that have no connection to the land or the people that made it great, they come to take. They're all ruining it.
NPC's who introduce themselves with pronouns comes to mind.
I just had to watch a mandatory sexual harassment video at work where they mix in the gender bullshit with the normal sexual harassment issues where we have to cater to the insane because of their feelings. That is us accomadating to the pussifacation of our own society. It may have all started there too. The businesses push it and then force it by mixing it in with actual issues.
Even technology is corrupted. Don't believe them, the world would be much better off if the cabal didn't have control over the technology and advancement that go main stream. Science is littered with crap science that floats to the top
And the good stuff that would release their death grip on humanity is heavily suppressed.
Yeh, we're in the "weak men create hard times" phase...
Among the degenerates are women obsessed with being whores and demanding to be praised for it and men obsessed with being feminine cucks obsessed with praising said whores.
Here where I live, the monsters destroyed practically all wild life, for what? First thing I saw, a new McDonald, every time we pass for that area I was talking about their evilness of destroying the nature now I am really upset. Freaking Pharisees aka cabal aka Zionists and on and on, why do they want to eliminate all living things? Because they are demons. That’s all.