In light of the Twitter/X lawsuit against David Brock and Media Matters, I present…. Mr Alefantis.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
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I must correct you. The hole being dug was at another property he owned, the Pegasus Museum. This is the building they didn't want us talking about and it's covered in this post:
The basement comment was in reference to his other restaurant, 'Buck's Fishing and Camping', just two doors down, where he said they stored canned tomato sauce. ( I suspect tomato sauce as code for blood )
You were correct about the Haitian child charity, which was directly across the street.
what makes your think it was another restaurant? here is a quote from this article ( from an interview with Alefantis regarding Comet:
MW: What was it they couldn’t believe you had made?
ALEFANTIS: Well, we make everything from scratch. Other restaurants, even good restaurants, will, like, not roast their own peppers. You can just buy the roasted peppers in a can. Or you can buy garlic oil. Some products you can get, and they’re consistent and they’re easy. But I didn’t even know that existed actually until they said that. I was like, “What do you mean? There’s another way? You can just buy these things?” Because a lot of restaurants will open a can and put it on. Like our sauce — we harvest a whole crop of organic tomatoes — 10 tons of tomatoes every year. Can them all, store them in the basement, have like a harvest party when it gets loaded in.