Screw Isis, Aphrodite, your precious "Orion Queen" and whatever other name you want to give that lump of clay.
It's idolatry.
YOU are the Alpha and Omega. The Buddha. The Christ.
We've been over this...quit fuckin around.
These bastards have tubing and a pump inside.
Stop being stupid. I swear, 5 year olds would know it's bs.
(No one in particular... everyone. Just stop. Man up and admit you got fooled... repeatedly.)
Accept your role as God's consciousness here at this time. Your life is an absolute fucking miracle. YOU fertilized the egg against billions... act like it.
Oooh! I do I do! Pick me!!!
Screw Isis, Aphrodite, your precious "Orion Queen" and whatever other name you want to give that lump of clay.
It's idolatry.
YOU are the Alpha and Omega. The Buddha. The Christ.
We've been over this...quit fuckin around.
These bastards have tubing and a pump inside.
Stop being stupid. I swear, 5 year olds would know it's bs.
(No one in particular... everyone. Just stop. Man up and admit you got fooled... repeatedly.)
Accept your role as God's consciousness here at this time. Your life is an absolute fucking miracle. YOU fertilized the egg against billions... act like it.
Winners aren't losers.
Here here
Aww! Too cute!
Struck a nerve with you idol worshippers I see!
Grow up.
God has no gender. Stop being retarded.