76 ‘Crying’ Virgin Mary Statue With Tears Streaming Down Her Face Stuns Churchgoers (www.beliefnet.com) posted 1 year ago by DCGRITS 1 year ago by DCGRITS +78 / -2 'Crying' Virgin Mary Statue With Tears Streaming Down Her Face Stuns Churchgoers Churchgoers in Mexico say they’ve seen a miracle after a statue of the Virgin Mary appeared to have real tears streaming down her cheeks. 73 comments share 73 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Something about making no graven images or worshiping anyone BUT God comes to mind. I’d say the same about a statute of Caesar.
So we can’t have statues at all?
Not when you bow down to them.
God gave the instructions how to build the ark of the covenant and it had 2 graven images of angels. Exodus 25:18. It what you do with them that matters. You don’t worship them.
I have seen the Pope kneel down to a statute of Mary. Jus sayin. Don't kill the messenger.