If only enough people had the backbone and pushed back when our government started taking our freedoms away, when congress started exploding our deficit, when mandates for vaccines started being pushed, we could have ended this disaster earlier.
I think the Globalist New World Order might have shot their wad with the vaxx push too. And Big Pharma while making huge profits on the jab, in the end are going to pay mightily for their mistake. Not only does no one want to Covid jab, but because of all the truth coming out about all vaccines, particularly those on the childhood immunization schedule, no one is going to be taking their poison jabs. There is lot more scrutiny being directed at all Big Phama products.
Hospital made windfall profits inflating Covid deaths, putting people on expensive respirators, shooting them full of Remdisivir. But now people no longer trust their doctors, or hospitals to do whats in their best interest. The people's view of Preventative Care has changed. People aren't going to blindly follow the medical pied piper any longer.
We only see those who have awakened when sufficient signs are manifest that allow us to judge who has awakened. We do not see the extreme doubt, the conflict, the quite realization of reality that a lot of people are wrestling with. Getting someone on the trail is often the hardest part, before convincing them to walk the trail.
But you could say the same thing about we people.
If only enough people had the backbone and pushed back when our government started taking our freedoms away, when congress started exploding our deficit, when mandates for vaccines started being pushed, we could have ended this disaster earlier.
You are correct. The good thing is, enough people did. Don't know the percentage at its height - 30%? 40%? Enough to grind it to a halt.
Number of doctors? Don't know the percentage, but what I observed was less than 10% at its height. Much fewer.
The Great Awakening stopped it, not the medical profession.
I think the Globalist New World Order might have shot their wad with the vaxx push too. And Big Pharma while making huge profits on the jab, in the end are going to pay mightily for their mistake. Not only does no one want to Covid jab, but because of all the truth coming out about all vaccines, particularly those on the childhood immunization schedule, no one is going to be taking their poison jabs. There is lot more scrutiny being directed at all Big Phama products.
Hospital made windfall profits inflating Covid deaths, putting people on expensive respirators, shooting them full of Remdisivir. But now people no longer trust their doctors, or hospitals to do whats in their best interest. The people's view of Preventative Care has changed. People aren't going to blindly follow the medical pied piper any longer.
We only see those who have awakened when sufficient signs are manifest that allow us to judge who has awakened. We do not see the extreme doubt, the conflict, the quite realization of reality that a lot of people are wrestling with. Getting someone on the trail is often the hardest part, before convincing them to walk the trail.