Keep in mind a trained RMT isn't even allowed to recommend to their clients to drink water because it's outside of the scope of their practice to recommend fluids.
Under “Chair Care,” a program funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New Mexico hairstylists are paid and trained as “trusted messengers” to promote COVID-19 and flu vaccines, especially to minority and conservative clients with low vaccination rates. Hairstylists who sign up for a six-month commitment participate in two day-long trainings where they receive tools so they can “feel more confident” talking to their clients about taking vaccines. They will be trained in motivational interviewing, COVID-19 basics, flu basics and long COVID basics.
I'm a New Mexico! I can tell you this, the MOMENT a hairdresser talks vax to one of those nice spanish ladies, her entire church is going to boycott the salon.
Time for those chinese in the hole money laundering salons to actually earn some legitimate pay for once, lol.