DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just now noticed the tweeter is named doppelgangers XD, they're not bad, they're based.

Shoulda went went with J6 clone event, or Mirror Match, or something... these fuckers are still sick

DamagedPepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Its just publicly available information that was provided by the poster willingly, whats wrong with that?"

Well well well, how the turntables

DamagedPepe 46 points ago +46 / -0

I'm not sure if I agree to this concept. An updoot regardless.

This feels more like the bully was kicked in the face and got a bloody nose for the first time. As such, said bully is now terrified of what the bullied can do to them.

Its just like the aftermath of coof scare, when all those media talking heads were begging for amnesty, realizing just what could happen to them if the other side got tired of being played.

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

THIS is very interesting, and plausible.

DamagedPepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

posts that aged well for 500, Alex

DamagedPepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

The popo better be quiet in their investigation, if the name or picture of the assassin gets leaked, he's not leaving PA alive.

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

"they seem much more compliant, and I think they seem broken."

Me, a vaxxed petaQ that chewed out his boss for 30 minutes when he asked if I would take advantage of the company's free vaccination program.

He's keeping an eye on the enemy camp, and the enemy camp is pushing the vax shit hard, like always. At his next speech event he should ask his audience if they're going to get that covid booster and see what the real reaction is.

But what do I know, I'm just a frog that was betrayed by a country that I thought was looking out for me and has solidified my defiant stance towards their oppressive regime, who also happens to be one of many converts to this new mindset.

DamagedPepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

For all we know, Obama could be in GITMO and his twitter is being used by someone else

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +4 / -2

really makes you wonder how many of these folk are actors being paid by the white hats

DamagedPepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean, they can try. Garak on DS9 stated that the true moral of the boy who cried wolf is "You never tell the same lie twice." And I have feeling based on all the vaccine pushback, the masks will be met with more hostilities. No one is scared of covid anymore, they'll need something else and they know it

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

As I understand it, Mr. Jones has been working with Steven Crowder for some time. So I imagine he just liquidates his media assets and continues to work under Crowder's banner with no other changes.... other then that he needs $$$

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0


Its important to go scorched earth, make sure to boycott them all.

I do love me some diplomatico rum... so this does hurt me in the sad place

DamagedPepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

not just outnumbered, but we have them surrounded too

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

Chesebro, has to be the most Wisconsin name ever. now I'm solidified in knowing this is a movie

DamagedPepe 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean, its not at a children's reading level. But that's the only W I'll give to the tweet freaks.

Otherwise its pretty neat

DamagedPepe 3 points ago +3 / -0

I will never forget what they did to me

and I will never forgive them either.

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

the pattern cannot be ignored at this point.

The people in charge are either on the take and getting a payout, or they're actually that foolish to think they can ride it out, which is silly... cuz if there's a planet fitness, there's usually a defined fitness and gold's gym nearby.


I'm willing to bet individuals in power are getting a payout from a mysterious 3rd party

DamagedPepe 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's an impressive mob confronting him.

Where's the motorcade? Where's the roadblocks?

Does Canadia not have basic essentials to safeguard the movement of their leader?

Very Very Curious.

DamagedPepe 5 points ago +5 / -0

Praying outside the abortion center is a little misleading, from the images it seems to be a suite inside a building. And from the pictures it implies they were blocking the entrance which could dissuade people from trying to go inside it... which is a good thing given that this is a place of despair and death, but even union picketers know you can't block the entrance.

THAT BEING SAID, arresting and prosecuting for 11 years in jail is monstrously excessive when at the very worst they should just be issued a criminal trespass which just bars them from going back to the building and isn't really a public records thing.

I imagine these people are going to be able to bring it down to a criminal trespass and then counter sue for wrongful prosecution and make out with a big bag of tax payer money.

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