The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

It seems you are misapplying Jesus' spiritual indictment of the religious elite of Israel, who were operatives of Satan to derail the redemptive mission of Jesus to bring salvation into the world. As far as the other bible verses, they are of course wonderful and essential exhortations and encouragements regarding our spiritual warfare in this life. But you make a large illogical leap to conclude that spiritual warfare based purely on deception and spiritual destruction is behind everything. This is not what the NT teaches. It teaches that we should not be surprised when there is conflict and persecution for Jesus' disciples in this life, and that sometimes governing institutions will so descend into darkness and the snuffing out of conscience that they will encourage and/or enforce prejudices and violence against followers of Jesus.
But that doesn't mean its always and only the case. Peter and Paul both command the audiences of their letters to submit to the governing authorities and emperor, insofar as they are agents of God's judgment against crime and evil in society. They wouldn't write that if it were not possible. Also, don't forget that Paul expressed hope and anticipation of being transferred to Rome and appealing to Caesar, because he held the belief that even Caesar could be a reasonable judge to weight the evidence and determine that Christianity was no threat to the empire. Of course it didn't turn out that way, but Paul had no reason to only expect worst case scenario.
So with that out of the way, I make a logical and functional distinction between appropriate skepticism and extreme skepticism. Appropriate skepticism means you have to take everything on their own terms and use faculties of reason, which includes the proposition that even corrupt institutions can and do provide useful and truthful avenues of knowledge and resource. Also, none of us possess comprehensive data or special insight on every issue and concept that is non-trivial to the public. So, in order to function and be active in this world, you, me and everyone MUST operate on some level of faith in some structural integrity under-girding our civilization and understanding of the world.
Ergo, not everything is a conspiracy characterized by nefarious planning against Christians or the common law abiding citizen.
It's the same people. Same symbolism, same words, same depraved playbook. Half of the Old Testament is about the Jews falling into temple prostitution, child sacrifice, and idol worship. Just like today when they are leading the charge for homosexuality/pornography/transgenderism, abortion, and materialism.
Jesus talks to the Pharisees like they are a bunch of child molester cannibals. You would not call someone who has a slightly different perspective on piety a brood of vipers, or empty whitewashed tombs full of bones, or say that if you lead a child astray, you should have a millstone tied around your neck and be thrown into the sea. He literally calls them children of satan. Are these people who just focus on the physical manifestation of holiness and ignore the spiritual manners, or are they exactly the same as their ancestors in Israel and Judah? What we see today are their spiritual and literal descendants doing exactly the same things.
Read the Talmud someday. It's almost exactly the spiritual opposite of the New Testament. Instead of love your neighbor, it recommends cheating, stealing, and lying to them. Instead of turning the other cheek, it takes Moses killing the Egyptian who struck another Jew as a guide for life. They say that young childrens' virginity is ever restoring, and that having sex with gentiles is like having sex with animals. The Talmud describes 8 genders- do you think that this insane new Transgender theory popped out of thin air? "There is nothing new under the sun." -Ecclesiastes 1:9.