Put it all his bottles over the weekend and on his sores topically just once. It’s Monday morning and it’s like he never had it. Usually takes 10 days and it’s a nightmare.
Thanks, horse paste! ;)
Put it all his bottles over the weekend and on his sores topically just once. It’s Monday morning and it’s like he never had it. Usually takes 10 days and it’s a nightmare.
Thanks, horse paste! ;)
First, who said I gave it to him five times per day? And second, I’ve taken an entire tube of the stuff over 48 hours before just to really see what the side effects would be. Nothing. You know too much water can kill you too, it’s called drowning. This stuff has one of the highest safety profiles in the world. But if you want to show me the stats on all the lethal overdoses on it I’ll happily wait.
Or just drinking too much water without the electrolytes, etc., can kill you as well.
Yeah funny enough I actually almost did this once before I knew it was a thing. Had been fasting from food and water for almost 48 hours and decided to work myself back in with water first. It tasted so good though I just kept going back to fill up my water bottle at the airport drinking fountain. I don’t remember how much I drank but it was a lot. By the time my girlfriend came to pick me up I was starting to feel delirious and my fingers and toes were numb. She was a nurse and scolded me pretty heavily. Apparently it was a pretty dangerous situation and I had no idea.