Greetings Gentlemen and board leadership/mods
Not everyone will be in agreement on some issues. In regards to subjects not permitted for discussion on this board, I ask sincerely that the members, moderators and leadership of this community stop posting and pinning unnecessarily divisive content. If it's not supposed to be discussed here and you pin a post in mockery; regardless of how right or righteous you may consider yourself to be, you're letting us all down.
I think it's probably more divisive to basically ignore the gentle way OP presented this topic. I don't the impression he's trying to drive a wedge between anybody. Just pointing out that while we may agree on lots of things, we don't agree on all things, that the mods are human too, and if they don't want pro flat earth stuff, it would probably be best not to tempt our flat earth brethren by posting about the topic themselves. I agree that if they don't want the topic discussed here, they should simply ban the topic, whether a perspective is for OR against. Not a bad suggestion if you ask me. And I happen to really appreciate the mods.
I got banned for expressing this same sentiment.