So is the boulder in my front yard. In fact everything. But no mere material contains my soul. I see you are pretty much a fraud. You declare yourself quit of me, but here you are.
If you would come right out and say what you mean, and why it is relevant to anything, we could have a conversation. But, so far, you are just a collection of arch quips.
How would you know anything? You can't see beyond your prejudice. Don't bother to throw the Bible at me without any supporting argument. That is a famously fallacious tactic. Why don't you shake some Holy Water at me, as well?
Yet, here you are again. You swear me off, and come back twice. Does this mean I have power over you?
Also 1/4 Dutch, 1/4 English, and 1/4 Swiss. But who's counting? DNA is only chemistry. What is the interest in German Jews?
Sorry, pal. You are lost in dreams. You can't even hold a conversation without alluding to your subjective world.
Your world is whatever you make of it.
DNA is given to you by GOD.
So is the boulder in my front yard. In fact everything. But no mere material contains my soul. I see you are pretty much a fraud. You declare yourself quit of me, but here you are.
If you would come right out and say what you mean, and why it is relevant to anything, we could have a conversation. But, so far, you are just a collection of arch quips.
You aren't worthy of a conversation. You are what the Book describes as a drunkard.
How would you know anything? You can't see beyond your prejudice. Don't bother to throw the Bible at me without any supporting argument. That is a famously fallacious tactic. Why don't you shake some Holy Water at me, as well?
Yet, here you are again. You swear me off, and come back twice. Does this mean I have power over you?