Right. Maybe I misread your comment: seemed like you were refuting my argument that Trump isn't CIC. 'Cos what I was saying is that Trump isn't CIC, because that's not how devolution works (according to PP, and I agree).
But of course, we don't know. We can only speculate.
I don't know for certain, but I have a lot of evidence that Trump and military are in control. Trump is the greatest threat to the cabal. Trump won 2016 because military stopped the steal. Would they just allow the steal in 2020 then give the nukes to a cornered animal? Trump has mentioned the "pause". I could go on for hours. If cabal controlled the military right now they would have stopped the great awakening via launching nukes to start a serious world war 3.
Kek. Hmmm. Dodging around and I still don't it (your specific view).
Devolution theory (which I agree with) totally asserts / theorizes that devolution happened, but what that devolution is equals the 'devolving' of the authority of the Executive Branch into distributed (and possibly) siloed departments of the military where they work to maintain "the essential functions of the government" during whatever period of the devolution when the normal functioning has become impossible or under critical threat.
Which does not mean that "trump is CIC" rather, that essential functions in the proper and normal role of CIC as well as Potus has been devolved to others for this period.
So if the devolved framework was implemented and those (only those specific) sections of the military are in control, then there is no CIC unless it is the general or generals etc, assigned with that function.
PP and the guys at Defected, who work very closely with PP, postulate that Trump is in the position of advisor. He's NOT potus and he's NOT CIC. Those roles have been devolved, in order to protect and maintain the situation until such time as the authority can be un-devolved back to the duly elected and legitimate POTUS and CIC.
If Trump, as potus, implemented devolution, it means he is NOT potus and therefore not 'directly' in control. It means the Devolution Team is in Control.
An analogy is like this: The owner and CEO of a large Hotel decides to go on holiday. He hands the keys over to a group of key, essential staff with a clear outline of what they need to do and how, and what they CANNOT Do and why, during the period that he is away. He leaves, travels for one month, and he comes back.
They run the hotel. From the viewpoint of the guests, they know nothing. The hotel essentially runs as it would have with the CEO/ Owner there. BUT the staff cannot sell off the hotel, they cannot restructure it. They cannot decide to change the name of the hotel, etc. They have clear parameters, and so the hotel maintains its ESSENTIAL functioning until the CEO returns. When he does, he can then do all the things he can legitimately do. He can sell it if he wants. He can rename it, He can do whatever.
So is the CEO "in control" of the hotel? Not really. He is no longer functioning and serving as the CEO during that period. But he put in place controls for the hotel.
That's the view anyway of Patel Patriot, etc. Which i agree with, personally. It does not mean the military is not in control but also, they are still very likely not in control of everything, only of those things that need to be maintained to preserve the essential functioning of the government until the legitimate role of the Executive can be restored.
Is Trump key to all this. Absolutely. Because if (and we believe/know he did) he won the 2020 election, legitimately but it was stolen, then BEFORE he left office he implemented devolution aka continuity of government. So while he was legitimately elected president, the seat of the executive itself was stolen and occupied. So he was never sworn in.
None of Devolution theory contradicts the key points you've made above EXCEPT the idea that Trump is still POTUS and/or CIC. I mean, he MIGHT be, I suppose. Or he may not be. We'd only know by knowing more about the exact measures he implemented (which we both believe he did).
Anyway, that's how I see it, and it's also, by the way, how Patel Patriot affirms he sees it too. But because of the situation, we just do not know EXACTLY in what manner, or even IF, devolution was implemented. We have a lot of data based on which there are certain logical conclusions, but that's different from having direct confirmation.
Direct confirmation would be Trump coming out and saying, "By the way, before Jan 20, 2021, I implemented continuity of government measures under my authority as POTUS, and those measures were executed in THIS way...."
Anyway, I hope this clarifies to some extent my original comment.
Right. Maybe I misread your comment: seemed like you were refuting my argument that Trump isn't CIC. 'Cos what I was saying is that Trump isn't CIC, because that's not how devolution works (according to PP, and I agree).
But of course, we don't know. We can only speculate.
<scratches head>
I don't know for certain, but I have a lot of evidence that Trump and military are in control. Trump is the greatest threat to the cabal. Trump won 2016 because military stopped the steal. Would they just allow the steal in 2020 then give the nukes to a cornered animal? Trump has mentioned the "pause". I could go on for hours. If cabal controlled the military right now they would have stopped the great awakening via launching nukes to start a serious world war 3.
Kek. Hmmm. Dodging around and I still don't it (your specific view).
Devolution theory (which I agree with) totally asserts / theorizes that devolution happened, but what that devolution is equals the 'devolving' of the authority of the Executive Branch into distributed (and possibly) siloed departments of the military where they work to maintain "the essential functions of the government" during whatever period of the devolution when the normal functioning has become impossible or under critical threat.
Which does not mean that "trump is CIC" rather, that essential functions in the proper and normal role of CIC as well as Potus has been devolved to others for this period.
So if the devolved framework was implemented and those (only those specific) sections of the military are in control, then there is no CIC unless it is the general or generals etc, assigned with that function.
PP and the guys at Defected, who work very closely with PP, postulate that Trump is in the position of advisor. He's NOT potus and he's NOT CIC. Those roles have been devolved, in order to protect and maintain the situation until such time as the authority can be un-devolved back to the duly elected and legitimate POTUS and CIC.
If Trump, as potus, implemented devolution, it means he is NOT potus and therefore not 'directly' in control. It means the Devolution Team is in Control.
An analogy is like this: The owner and CEO of a large Hotel decides to go on holiday. He hands the keys over to a group of key, essential staff with a clear outline of what they need to do and how, and what they CANNOT Do and why, during the period that he is away. He leaves, travels for one month, and he comes back.
They run the hotel. From the viewpoint of the guests, they know nothing. The hotel essentially runs as it would have with the CEO/ Owner there. BUT the staff cannot sell off the hotel, they cannot restructure it. They cannot decide to change the name of the hotel, etc. They have clear parameters, and so the hotel maintains its ESSENTIAL functioning until the CEO returns. When he does, he can then do all the things he can legitimately do. He can sell it if he wants. He can rename it, He can do whatever.
So is the CEO "in control" of the hotel? Not really. He is no longer functioning and serving as the CEO during that period. But he put in place controls for the hotel.
That's the view anyway of Patel Patriot, etc. Which i agree with, personally. It does not mean the military is not in control but also, they are still very likely not in control of everything, only of those things that need to be maintained to preserve the essential functioning of the government until the legitimate role of the Executive can be restored.
Is Trump key to all this. Absolutely. Because if (and we believe/know he did) he won the 2020 election, legitimately but it was stolen, then BEFORE he left office he implemented devolution aka continuity of government. So while he was legitimately elected president, the seat of the executive itself was stolen and occupied. So he was never sworn in.
None of Devolution theory contradicts the key points you've made above EXCEPT the idea that Trump is still POTUS and/or CIC. I mean, he MIGHT be, I suppose. Or he may not be. We'd only know by knowing more about the exact measures he implemented (which we both believe he did).
Anyway, that's how I see it, and it's also, by the way, how Patel Patriot affirms he sees it too. But because of the situation, we just do not know EXACTLY in what manner, or even IF, devolution was implemented. We have a lot of data based on which there are certain logical conclusions, but that's different from having direct confirmation.
Direct confirmation would be Trump coming out and saying, "By the way, before Jan 20, 2021, I implemented continuity of government measures under my authority as POTUS, and those measures were executed in THIS way...."
Anyway, I hope this clarifies to some extent my original comment.