In my limited experience with vaxxed relatives, friends and co-workers, the main thing I notice is a big increase in anger, hatred, and hostility... overall negative feelings, which may or may not be based in fear.
I think the vax weakened people's natural spiritual shield (aura, or whatever one chooses to call it), thus making them much more susceptible to demonic influence. Some people I knew who were very gentle and kind before the vax, now spew the most demonic-sounding vitriol at completely innocent people around them.
They need to detox from the spike protein, sure, but a lot of them also need an exorcism.
In my limited experience with vaxxed relatives, friends and co-workers, the main thing I notice is a big increase in anger, hatred, and hostility... overall negative feelings, which may or may not be based in fear.
I think the vax weakened people's natural spiritual shield (aura, or whatever one chooses to call it), thus making them much more susceptible to demonic influence. Some people I knew who were very gentle and kind before the vax, now spew the most demonic-sounding vitriol at completely innocent people around them.
They need to detox from the spike protein, sure, but a lot of them also need an exorcism.