An interesting topic of conversation came up over Thanksgiving. My sister is pretty savvy on what's going down. She's aware of the Cabal. She's hip on Q (or at least mostly aware of the Q story). I don't think she is fully aware of everything, but far more than most.
But she also is not a fan of Trump. She recognizes that most of what is said about him is a lie, but she just doesn't like him. She thinks he's a blowhard and overly divisive. I agree with her, but I've explained to her (albeit briefly) why I think both of those qualities are intentional. However, she doesn't care. She does however love RFK, Jr. She said she would vote for him in a heartbeat no matter what party flag he waves.
I thought about it, and I think RFK, Jr. could very likely be a unifying force, not to mention that there is both a sense of justice and closure to the effort of Q if he became President.
What do you think? What if RFK is the democrat nominee, or even an independent. Would you vote for him over Trump? Even if not, even if you think such a statement is sacrilegious, do you think he would be good for the country? Do you think he would be a unifying force? Do you think him as President would bring honest debate to the table on the "hot topics?" Do you think he would be able to put an end to the propaganda driven division (not by himself of course, but rather, as part of the Q plan)?
Of course, I don't know what The Plan is, and I don't think anything can change the course, but there are layers upon layers to The Plan, and there is nothing better than a surprise ending, especially one that feels like Justice. Who knows. Maybe RFK, Jr. IS The Plan.
What do you think of him as President for 2024?
My curiosity is piqued, and I'm going to attempt a reply.
I guess I am pretty skeptical that anyone who knows - is saavy - on what is going down can think that Pres. RFK would be a good idea or not think that Trump was made for this time and role.
There are a whole lot of reasons why I think that, but it would take a long conversation to really lay them out.
Hmmmm.... "Overly divisive". It begs the question, what is the RIGHT amount of divisive, then?
Here's one of the reasons why I am convinced DJT is 'the man for the hour":
There are two types of division. Division is an external dynamic, but in the world we live in, which hinges on the foundation of spiritual reality, the external dynamic itself can be neutral, but the invisible, the intent, the purpose behind it is what defines its value.
Thus, (in this framework) there are two types of division: The purpose of one is to 'divide and conquer', which is to destroy and beat someone into submission. Evil does this by dividing, by causing conflict, the purpose of which is to destroy the presence of unity and goodness rooted in God. To separate from God and enslave.
But God also uses division. This division is to cause 'separation from evil'. When evil - in whatever form - lies, manipulation, etc - is separated out, then the good nature has a chance to revive, to be empowered, and to lead the way to freedom.
The division the marxists employ is always to undermine the value of the Christian West, their main and primary roadblock. Thus, lies are no problem. The division that God-centered forces use (and by that, i don't mean religious forces but persons and parties working on the same side as God) is rooted in truth; in exposing the lies, clarifying the true, proper nature of things, in order to raise and bring together.
America, and the world, has been so diseased, so evil-addled, that this painful division is absolutely necessary. The root and foundation by which evil has infiltrated the USA has to be exposed, and shown for what it is, regardless of how painful or difficult that is. Otherwise, the country will truly be lost, and with it, the world.
RFK comes across to me very much as a relativist, as indicated by his ability to respond and resonate with the Climate Change agenda, and with numerous leftist agendas - all of which, regardless of the good intents of people caught up in them - are being driven and enslaved to the Satanic globalist agenda: slavery.
Any unity that RFK could bring would not be worth having, imo. Why? Because without returning to God, and truth, and exposing ALL the evil that has infected the nations, that evil will not be liquidated or eradicated. And, it will infiltrate again, more quickly, and more effectively. IMO.
Wouldn't vote for him. Do not think he would be anywhere near as good for the country as DJT. Like, if DJT is 90 points out of 100 good for the country, RFK would be like, maybe 20. But, the thinking itself isn't on point in my view. The reasons I support DJT are plentiful and reinforced and refined over 8 years.
The world is teetering on the brink of disaster. RFK is no match for that, imo.
Honest debate? You cannot have honest debate as long as the participants are engaged in bad faith, i.e. they are not really interested in illuminating the points by debate, but are interested in destroying the other person in order to advance the agendas of greed, manipulation and corruption.
And because all of the mainstream establishment figures - Neo-Marxists or RINOS - are slaves to that agenda, you need a blowtorch, dynamite, a massive claymore, to cut through and slice through all of that. Painful, but 100% necessary.
The propaganda machine has been attempting to divide and conquer, by keeping their masses asleep and fearful hateful of those that threaten the DS. But for the past 7 years, they have been losing more and more, and unless you haven't noticed, the unity around trump is more and more coalescing into an unstoppable force. In other words, the propaganda driven division is dying, and the unity rooted in truth is increasing. IMO.
How would RFK becoming president be justice? Is the Presidency a prize, to be given to those who 'deserve it'? Because their father or uncle or sister or son was murdered?
Obviously no. The presidency is a role that serves the people. Listen to the speech by the Argentinian Pres elect. An elected official can NEVER be above those he is elected to represent. RFk becoming president would not be justice. RFK becoming the president the country needs, that would be justice, but he's not that.
I'd suggest two things here: One, if anyone dislikes Trump or find he grates on them, and is unable to recognize the role he is playing, then I think such a person would benefit from introspective reflection. What is it about Trump that I dislike? Why? What does he trigger in me? Is there something for me to recognize here?
The idea is not to blame, but rather, to prompt reflection as to WHY that person dislikes or cannot see what Trump is and what he is actually doing.
Secondly, the worry or fear that people's attachment to Trump is idol worship or slipping into Trump Worship is similar. I think it warrants some introspection as to why that feeling arises. It's already clear that its worrying and connected with some sort of fear. But I think that misses so much of the reality.
This is what the left does: they look at Trump, why people like him, resonate with him, and are willing to stand up with him, and they conclude, they must be brainwashed, nuts, extremists. In other words, they are unable to recognize the real nature of the connection that people are experiencing with Trump as a leader, as a national figure, and they interpret it based on their own internal state.
No offense intended, but I think those points are probably worth thinking about. Because personally, I hold to the conviction that DJT is where he is and who he is because of a much bigger plan. And I'm not talking about the Q operation. As such, I don't see at this juncture how one can imagine the Q operation or the unfolding restoration of the USA without Trump at the center. Not because of him or his personality, but because of his character and commitment, and dedication to the principles that can restore the USA and the world.
Insider? Well, you can walk in the jungle, but it doesn't mean that you're a hyena.
Anyway, that's my view.