I had a strange dream last night and I thought I'd share:
I was in a living room with a bearded burly guy. I seemed to know him in the dream but upon waking, I realized I don't. He handed me a beer with no label. Stupid as it sounds, he asked me, "If you could go back in time and kill Hitler...would you?"
I answered, "I guess. But, I'm pretty old and in terrible physical condition. I doubt I could. It might be a better question for someone younger and could speak German."
He laughed and said, "Isn't about killing Hitler. But why would you kill him?"
"Because he was evil."
"Correct answer. Let's move on. You follow Q to some extent, right?"
"Some. I have read the posts and keep waiting like everyone else."
"Exactly. Most people are 'watching the movie' so to speak. Waiting for the happy ending. So you are the audience, right?"
"I guess."
"You have heard Musk say that we are living in a computer simulation being played out far in the future? That none of this is real, right?"
"What is a played computer simulation?"
"A video game."
"Sometimes multiple players and sometimes 2 players, right?"
"Let's say 2 players named GOOD & EVIL."
"So is this a God and Satan thing?"
"I don't know. You ever play a video game where you encounter a wizard in a cave? Or some checkpost left to give you needed info?"
"I know the concept from games my son's have played."
"I'm kinda like that. An AI with limited info."
"So, you aren't real."
"Are you?"
Dreams are funny. I didn't answer, but I got his point.
He went on..."Back to killing Hitler because he was evil...try to answer this - what would EVIL do if they could change the past? Let's not talk of time, it isn't real either - WHAT WOULD EVIL DO TO CHANGE THE GAME?" He actually screamed that in my face."
"I guess eliminate characters that were good and who mattered to a positive ending of the game?"
"So, if EVIL did that, would you agree that many methods would be used?"
"You are going to wake up soon. I want you to remember this last bit: The World Trade Center, abortion, disease, war, accidents, school shootings and many more including the trans movement change key points in the game as some important ideas never happen."
I woke up and decided to share...
If this is a computer simulation?"
"A video game." Who wrote the code & created this simulation & for what purpose? John 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
I believe God created the universe but I also believe it is a digital system.
I don’t think life is a simulation. What a bad ideology. Let me explain:
If you believe that you are living in a simulation, life doesn’t matter and has no purpose, much like a video game. Literally no game does life or death truly matter. Having a loved one die, that’s real. You don’t get to load your last save point. You don’t get to come back in like CoD.
Man is appointed to die once before standing in front of God on judgment day, then to live with God, or to die an eternal death.
Meaning that this life has meaning and value as well as your life after this life. The reason this post getting traction is dumb to me, is because we promulgate the idea that Q people believe life is ultimately meaningless, and we are just living in a Matrix simulation. That Matrix simulation isn’t real, it’s merely an example of perceived reality. People are “plugged in” not plugged in. People “wake up” not wake up. People are “asleep” not asleep.
It's an iron-man save game. One life, no saves.
Not saying there are save points. Just digital vs analog. Double slit experiment and most of quantum mechanics leans toward a digital probabilities based universe.
Because God is logical and designed the universal principles upon himself. Logics boils down to 1’s and 0’s.