Am I weird in that I can pretty well dissociate / segregate / compartmentalize when it comes to stuff like this? I have ways of getting movies w/o paying anything, and as such, I value them exactly as much as I paid for them…
Movies for me have always been an escape; a great way to turn my brain off for a couple hours, escape my worries & problems. I still have no problem watching & appreciating the movies for what they are; pure entertainment; but not getting at all actually / emotionally invested in the pedophile clowns who literally play Dress-up & make believe for a living.
I guess maybe I really am blessed with a good gut intuition because the only actors I’ve ever really cared about are the ones who seem to be genuinely good guys; Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, etc…
IDK man…. Either way, this OP is FREAKY and sick….. crazy how that chick dodged such a huge bullet.
But when we pay to see these movies whether in the theater or through our cable or streaming subscriptions, we are putting money in these evil people's pockets. If people stopped watching, we'd be much better off.
Am I weird in that I can pretty well dissociate / segregate / compartmentalize when it comes to stuff like this? I have ways of getting movies w/o paying anything, and as such, I value them exactly as much as I paid for them…
Movies for me have always been an escape; a great way to turn my brain off for a couple hours, escape my worries & problems. I still have no problem watching & appreciating the movies for what they are; pure entertainment; but not getting at all actually / emotionally invested in the pedophile clowns who literally play Dress-up & make believe for a living.
I guess maybe I really am blessed with a good gut intuition because the only actors I’ve ever really cared about are the ones who seem to be genuinely good guys; Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, etc…
IDK man…. Either way, this OP is FREAKY and sick….. crazy how that chick dodged such a huge bullet.
But when we pay to see these movies whether in the theater or through our cable or streaming subscriptions, we are putting money in these evil people's pockets. If people stopped watching, we'd be much better off.
There's always torrents.
Not one dime from me in decades.....