If you consider 4 to 6% wide swaths. I have had three normies in my small sphere say in the last couple weeks that I had been right all along. The mood on social media has definitively turned against the narrative.
Do you all really believe it is less than half of what they’re saying? Wow. Plz tell me why you think that, other than some people have an allergy to the truth
Except wide swaths of the population will NEVER wake up.
If you consider 4 to 6% wide swaths. I have had three normies in my small sphere say in the last couple weeks that I had been right all along. The mood on social media has definitively turned against the narrative.
Say pop really is 300M, I doubt it for reasons, but lets say it is for easy math. 6% is then 18million that won't wake up.
That is still plenty of people to raise a stink and make it seem more like 150 million.
That is why it seems like more.
I dont trust their population numbers either.
Do you all really believe it is less than half of what they’re saying? Wow. Plz tell me why you think that, other than some people have an allergy to the truth