Khashoggi was a real SOB. He was a MusBro maggot, just like Obama. He was deeply hated in KSA, according to my Saudi friend who lives there. Khashoggi made no complaints about human rights when the "Religious Police" were allowed to round people up and disappear them. After Prince Mo became king and gutted their power to arrest people and give women rights like being able to drive cars and attend soccer games with their husbands, suddenly Khashoggi went into turbo-bitchfest mode and pissed and moaned about how terrible KSA is. He was a WaPo asshole, a MusBro member, and a cabal asset. Good riddance. This suicide is probably not related to getting rid of that douchepickle.
The Muslim Brotherhood tried to take over Egypt with Obama's help, but the people there kicked them out. They are likewise hated in KSA and other countries there.
I appreciate this insight. I love your description of Khashoggi! A douchepickle in turbo-bitchfest mode😂! Seriously, though, there is something involving him that Trump keeps bringing him up. The WaPo reporting angle has something to do with it. It all ties into the Muslim Brotherhood and I’m wondering if Harvard’s HUMA is playing into this. How, though?
Epstein’s Dancing Hare yacht was originally build for Jamal’s cousin Emad Khashoggi. Oh the webs they weave, and how they are being brought into the light
odd that o'keefe would be touching an international affairs story. has to be more to this
Didn’t Trump just bring this Khashoggi guy up recently?
Khashoggi was a real SOB. He was a MusBro maggot, just like Obama. He was deeply hated in KSA, according to my Saudi friend who lives there. Khashoggi made no complaints about human rights when the "Religious Police" were allowed to round people up and disappear them. After Prince Mo became king and gutted their power to arrest people and give women rights like being able to drive cars and attend soccer games with their husbands, suddenly Khashoggi went into turbo-bitchfest mode and pissed and moaned about how terrible KSA is. He was a WaPo asshole, a MusBro member, and a cabal asset. Good riddance. This suicide is probably not related to getting rid of that douchepickle.
FINALLY we hear some truth about this radical " writer" for the NY Post. He was probably a Brennan CIA buddy. Good riddance!
The Muslim Brotherhood tried to take over Egypt with Obama's help, but the people there kicked them out. They are likewise hated in KSA and other countries there.
I knew he was a bad apple as much as the MSM defended him!
I appreciate this insight. I love your description of Khashoggi! A douchepickle in turbo-bitchfest mode😂! Seriously, though, there is something involving him that Trump keeps bringing him up. The WaPo reporting angle has something to do with it. It all ties into the Muslim Brotherhood and I’m wondering if Harvard’s HUMA is playing into this. How, though?
Get rid of O'Keefe?
Fuck no.
Epstein’s Dancing Hare yacht was originally build for Jamal’s cousin Emad Khashoggi. Oh the webs they weave, and how they are being brought into the light
Also note Dodi Fayed is a cousin as well
Is it just me, or does James O'Keefe appear to have a touch of Bell's Palsy? Watch his mouth closely.
I think he said there was more coming. As if it's at least a 2 part reveal.
There’s definitely a lot to the story. Still trying to understand how it ties in with bin salmon.