Intel Drop #2549
Logical thinking. D5 drops 1st - last. Content & Dates. Huber drops 1st - last. Content & Dates. Role of Huber (as portrayed by 'Q')? What are the odds (mathematical probability) that Huber would be scheduled to testify re: Clinton Foundation on D5? What a...
This was based from the Q clock.
That doesn't explain anything.
Qpost 3599 Nov 16 >assume Julian calendar and convert to Gregorian gives us nov 29 (+1 delta?) edit... Pointed out to me that including the 16th it gives us 28th 😊 and the qpost has 113 timestamp = 11.3 Law of war
..from the chat below
Nov has 30-days, so 30-17 = 13
Plus 3-days counting up to Dec 3rd = 16
SO CLOSE! But, the countdown might end on December 4th - and now we're near D5!
this ends around 1pm Tuesday in US Eastern Standard Time...
EVERYONE believes this is a LARP, which is why I'm keeping my eye on it.
Okay... but why?
Also why?
So close to what? What countdown?
What do these two Q posts have to do with anything?
What ends?
LARP? Nah, it just seems kind of schizo and random.
If I visit this Q clock page and pull up the vanilla clock, it ends on Jan 5. But they'll just keep extending it, as they have been, when it gets close to that date.
We suspected one may be a larp and today we dropped the larp. Because today they added another day6 and several hours. If we are right about the Julian date then switched to the Gregorian calendar date. our only question is do we add 1 delta ? If we are right then Dec dates may be correct give or take a day because of the 1 dellta ? If we are wrong we made a honest attempt. And we ended up being wrong.
But does not surprise me the Farm would set up fake Q clocks.But then ask why if there was nothing to worry about they would make a effort ?
Has Q ever posted/endorsed or replied to the Q clock graphic, that big spiral clock thing?